Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Series | Bände
First assessment
Vol. 10
Otfried Höffe
From theoretical to practical reason
A philosophy of intuition
System and history
A transcendental geometry
The Kantian metaphors
Second assessment
Conclusion and prospect
The problem of justification
The incomplete deduction
Third assessment
Fourth assessment
Constructive deconstruction
A critical philosophy of mind
Four reasons for engaging with Kant's first critique
Cosmological contradictions
Innovation and tradition
Transcendental theology
Objectivity through subjectivity
A philosophical theory of science
Fifth assessment
From the anticipations of perception to the dynamic conception of matter
Vol. 11
Marco Giovanelli
From real opposition to the problem of change
The anticipations of perception in post-Kantian idealism
The anticipations of perception in neo-Kantian idealism
A cadenza instead of a conclusion let us make man
Vol. 18
Andrea Poma
Cadenza 1 yearning for form
Cadenza 2 passions in postmodernism
Cadenza 3 critical idealism at the time of difference
Cadenza 4 the nature of non-representational thought
Cadenza 1 unity of the heart and the scattered self a postmodern reading of Buber's doctrine of evil
Cadenza 2 guilt feelings, guilt and sin contemporary man and Buber's thought
Cadenza 3 "magic mirror on the wall" the lie of the bourgeois subject and the wandering of the broken subject
Cadenza 1 the ethical difference wisdom under the sun and wisdom of the heart
Cadenza 2 humour as a sign of history
Cadenza 3 the end of the sacrificial foundation Michel Serres' dream
Cadenza 4 sacred vs. holy some food for thought
Cadenza 5 the sacrality of the second nature or triumphant capitalism
The assault on Kant in the fin de siècle theological academies
Vol. 19
Thomas Nemeth
The dam cracks
The dam breaks
The apex of Kant studies
New paths in Petersburg
The specter of war and revolution
Epilogue as conclusion
First acquaintances – the eighteenth century
A new century and a new era
Kant in the theological academies
Kant in the Russian philosophical dark age
Kant-criticism in the era of the great reforms
The calm sea in the wake of the reforms
Intuition and diversity
Vol. 2
Peter Thielke
A philosopher between two cultures
Gideon Freudenthal
Maimon's subversion of Kant's critique of pure reason
Salomon Maimon's philosophy and its place in the enlightenment
Michael Roubach
Maimon and Fichte
Frederick Beiser
The logic of speculative philosophy and skepticism in Maimon's philosophy
Oded Schechter
Maimon's "quid facti" argument
Yaron Senderowicz
From Kant to Leibniz?
Elhanan Yakira
Causa materialis
Yossef Schwartz
What should Kantians learn from Maimon's skepticism?
Paul Franks
Salomon Maimon als Rezensent, nebst einer bisher unbeachteten Rezension
Florian Ehrensperger
Yearning for form Hermann Cohen in postmodernism
Vol. 5
Hermann Cohen's response to anti-judaism
Plato's idea of the good in its different interpretations
Authentic and historical theodicy in Kant and Cohen
Correlation in Hermann Cohen's philosophy of religion
Cohen and Mozart
Religion of reason and judaism in Hermann Cohen
Similarity and diversity of the other
The portrait in Hermann Cohen's aesthetics
Religion as a fact of culture and the system of philosophy
Humour in religion
Lyric poetry and prayer
Suffering and non-eschatological messianism in Hermann Cohen
Autonomy of the law
The existence of the ideal in Hermann Cohen's ethics
The holy spirit out of the sources of judaism and Kantianism
Epistemology or metaphysics?
Vol. 8
Nectarios G. Limnatis
From epistemology to metaphysics
From metaphysics to epistemology I
From metaphysics to epistemology II