Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch | Kapitel


Illusion in the realm of remembering

Edmund Husserl

pp. 243-251


The question concerning the intensification and inhibition of associative awakenings naturally demands a fundamental investigation. The living force of awakening, which radiates out 10 from the impressional present, flows over into the retentional sedimentations of memory in accordance with the principle of similarity: The prominent intentional objects, the singularities and connected complexes of the intuitive present, link up with similar objectlike formations that are implicitly constituted in memorial 15 sedimentations; they radiate toward themviathe awakening force. But actual prominence and then further, awakening, reproductive renewal, is only of benefit to few. The awakening forces can reciprocally combine with one another, but can also inhibit one another, and it remains a question upon what the actual revival and 20 reproduction can depend when the departing force has a uniform level of intensity. A uniform object with a uniform force of prominence necessarily has behind itself another consciousness that has run-off, that is, another horizon to be revived; and something that gets remembered at one time through the 25 associative force of the respective object, and at another time, that does not get remembered, depends upon its formation. It remains a question how far essential insight reaches into this dark sphere of retention. It is otherwise in the realm of already reproductively developed memories and of the expectations that are awakened 30 through them. There are obviously many kinds of clear essential source of this deception and therefore the origin of this concept of deception.

Publication details

Published in:

Husserl Edmund (2001) Analyses concerning passive and active synthesis: Lectures on transcendental logic. Dordrecht, Springer.

Seiten: 243-251

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-0846-4_23


Husserl Edmund (2001) Illusion in the realm of remembering, In: Analyses concerning passive and active synthesis, Dordrecht, Springer, 243–251.