Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Zeitschrift | Bände
1568-7759 (print)
1572-8676 (online)
Problems with Dreyfus' dialectic
Vol. 1/4
Georges Rey
Phenomenology and present-day psychology
Vol. 1/1
Dorion Cairns
Unconscious consciousness in Husserl and Freud
Vol. 1/3
Rudolf Bernet(Husserl-Archief, KU Leuven)
Science as if situation mattered
Vol. 1/2
Michel Bitbol
Skills, spills and the nature of mindful action
Andy Clark
Memory traces and representation
Frank Jackson
Representational parts
Rick Grush Pete Mandik
Confronting death before death
Natalie Depraz
Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences
Natalie DeprazShaun Gallagher(Department of Philosophy, University of California Berkeley)
Heidegger's attunement and the neuropsychology of emotion
Matthew Ratcliffe(Phenomenological Psychopathology and Philosophy of Psychiatry, FernUniversität Hagen)
How to play the flute
Louise M. Antony
Emotions, feelings and intentionality
Peter Goldie
Intelligence without representation
Hubert L Dreyfus
The simulation of emotion experience
Lisbeth Nielsen
Narcissism in emotion
David Pugmire
Refocusing the question
Life after Kant
Andreas Weber Francisco Varela
Neuronal dynamics and conscious experience
Michel Quyen Claire Petitmengin
Toward a neurophenomenology as an account of generative passages
Antoine Lutz
Comments on Hubert l. Dreyfus "Intelligence without representation"
Lynne Rudder Baker
Amy E. Varela
Gesture following deafferentation
Jonathan ColeShaun Gallagher(Department of Philosophy, University of California Berkeley)David Mcneill
Philosophy and the "anteriority complex'
Alan Murray
First-person thoughts and embodied self-awareness
Dan Zahavi(Center for Subjectivity Research, Københavns Universitet)
Francisco Varela
Renaud Barbaras(Université Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne)
What is it like to be nonconscious?
Vol. 10/2
Cheng-Hung Tsai
M. Sheets-Johnstone, The corporeal turn
Vol. 10/1
Søren Overgaard(Center for Subjectivity Research, Københavns Universitet)
Sellars on thoughts and beliefs
Mitch Parsell
M. Sheets-Johnstone's, The roots of morality,
Vol. 10/3
Benedict Smith
Indian cognitivism and the phenomenology of conceptualization
Rajesh Kasturirangan Nirmalya Guha Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad
Imperative content and the painfulness of pain
Manolo Martínez
Ambiguous figures, attention, and perceptual content
Vol. 10/4
Bence Nanay
The case for proprioception
Ellen Fridland
Can transcendental intersubjectivity be naturalised?
Joel Smith(Department of Religion and Theology, University of Sheffield)
Perceiving pictures
The metaepistemology of knowing-how
Monstrous faces and a world transformed
Susan Bredlau(Department of French & Italian, Clemson University)
Emotions outside the box
Hermann SchmitzRudolf Owen MüllanJan Slaby(Freie Universität zu Berlin)
Neo-pragmatic intentionality and enactive perception
Katsunori Miyahara
Human cognition, space, and the sedimentation of meaning
Peter Woelert
Time for consciousness
Komarine Romdenh-Romluc(Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick)
Doing things with music
Joel Krueger(Department of Psychology, University of Exeter)
The dorsal stream and the visual horizon
Michael Madary
On perceptual presence
Kristjan Laasik
Uniting the perspectival subject
Patrick Stokes(Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University)
Ambiguous figures and representationalism
Nicoletta Orlandi
Neuropragmatism, old and new
Tibor Solymosi(Department of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Sheffield)
Ambiguous figures and the spatial contents of perceptual experience
L. Shapiro, Embodied cognition
Kristian Martiny
Emotional clichés and authentic passions
Kym MacLaren
The extended mind
Nivedita Gangopadhyay
Fine-tuning nativism
Slobodan Perovic Ljiljana Radenovic
Beliefs, experiences and misplaced being
Garry Young
Intuitions without concepts lose the game
Barbara Montero
Embodied technology and the dangers of using the phone while driving
Vol. 11/1
Robert Rosenberger
On the role of social interaction in social cognition
Vol. 11/4
Mitchell Herschbach
Mirror systems and simulation
John Michael
The extended body
Vol. 11/2
Tom FroeseThomas Fuchs(Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
A qualitative analysis of sensory phenomena induced by perceptual deprivation
Donna M. Lloyd Elizabeth Lewis Jacob Payne Lindsay Wilson
Unlikely allies
Tadeusz Zawidzki
Action, mindreading and embodied social cognition
Joshua Shepherd
Iain McGilchrist, The master and his emissary
Rupert Read
Embodying the false-belief tasks
Michael Wilby
Extended cognition and fixed properties
Michael Kirchhoff
Sergeiy Sandler
Toward an explanatory framework for mental ownership
Timothy Lane
Introduction to debates on embodied social cognition
Shannon Spaulding
Movement and mirror neurons
Vol. 11/3
Maxine Sheets-Johnstone
Seeing mind in action
Idealization and external symbolic storage
From movement to dance
Narrative, meaning, interpretation
Marco Caracciolo
In defence of embodied cognition
Christopher Letheby
Phenomenal consciousness, attention and accessibility
Tobias Schlicht
J. Smith & P. Sullivan (eds), Transcendental philosophy and naturalism
Dominic Shaw
Rasmus Thybo JensenDermot Moran(University College Dublin)
L. Barrett, Beyond the brain
Mirko Farina
Introduction to the special issue on dance and cognitive science
Ivar Hagendoorn
Dynamic embodied cognition
Leon de BruinLena Kästner
Inscribing the body, exscribing space
What someone's behaviour must be like if we are to be aware of their emotions in it
Rowland Stout
M. Siderits, E. Thompson, D. Zahavi (eds), Between the sense of self and the reality of self
Wenjing Cai (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Neuroaesthetics and beyond
Emily S. Cross Luca F. Ticini
The "theory theory" of mind and the aims of Sellars' original myth of Jones
James R. O’Shea
Practice makes perfect
The experience of watching dance
Corinne Jola Shantel EhrenbergDee Reynolds
Concepts without intuition lose the game
Fernand Gobet
On being motivated
Vol. 12/4
Donnchadh O’Conaill
My body as an object
Vol. 12/1
Line Ryberg Ingerslev(Phenomenological Psychopathology and Philosophy of Psychiatry, FernUniversität Hagen)
On derived embodiment
Vol. 12/2
Theresa Schilhab
Depression and motivation
Affection of contact and transcendental telepathy in schizophrenia and autism
Yasuhiko Murakami
What is it to lose hope?
T. Bayne, M. Montague, (eds.), Cognitive phenomenology
Marta Jorba
Linguistic competence and expertise
Mark Addis
Response to Collins
Brentano on the dual relation of the mental
Vol. 12/3
Mark Textor(Centre for Philosophy and the Visual Arts, Lancaster University)
Thought insertion
Paulo Sousa Lauren Swiney
Ascriptions of propositional attitudes. an analysis in terms of intentional objects
Hans-Ulrich HocheMichael Knoop
N. Gangopadhyay, M. Madary, and F. Spencer (eds.), Perception, action, and consciousness, Sensorimotor dynamics and the two visual systems
Tacit knowledge management
Rodrigo Ribeiro
Toward an objective phenomenological vocabulary
A Ki
Three dimensions of expertise
Harry Collins
Thinking things and feeling things
Mark Phelan Adam Arico Shaun Nichols
Levels of immersion, tacit knowledge and expertise
The core of expertise
Phenomenal intentionality past and present
Uriah Kriegel
Recollection and phantasy
Martino Feyles
Mental capacity and the applied phenomenology of judgement
Wayne Martin
Remarks on explicit knowledge and expertise acquisition
Understanding conative phenomenology
The you-I event
Stephen Langfur
On-line false belief understanding qua folk psychology?
Martin Capstick
Clarke & Clarke (eds), Music and Consciousness
Simon Høffding
I. Apperly, Mindreaders
Wayne Christensen John Michael
The sense of diachronic personal identity
Stan Klein
The transformation of intercorporeality in melancholia
Stefano Micali
Schema of the Brentano school intellectual progeny
Arnaud Dewalque
Moral phenomenology and a moral ontology of the human person
Joseph Lacey
An adverbialist–objectualist account of pain
Greg Janzen
Brentano and the parts of the mental
No such look
Walter Hopp(Boston University)
Can "I" prevent you from entering my mind?
Marc Champagne
On incomprehensibility in schizophrenia
Mads Gram Henriksen(Center for Subjectivity Research, Københavns Universitet)
How a therapist survives the suicide of a patient—with a special focus on patients with psychosis
Borut Skodlar Claudia Welz
The nature and nurture of expertise
Gregory J. Feist
Husserl's hyletic data and phenomenal consciousness
Kenneth Williford
K. Sterelny, The evolved apprentice
The phenomenology and development of social perspectives
Thomas Fuchs(Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
Final response to Collin's response
Vulnerability to psychosis, I-Thou intersubjectivity and the praecox-feeling
Somogy Varga(Department of Philosophy, University of California Berkeley)
Sartre, consciousness, and intentionality
Mark Rowlands
Temporality and psychopathology
The experience of the tacit in multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration
David A. Stone
Kasimir Twardowski on the content of presentations
John Tienson
M. Rowlands, The new science of the mind
Victor Loughlin
Reply to Collins
Gurwitsch's phenomenal holism
Elijah Chudnoff
Tacit knowledge
Evan Selinger
Sketch this
Derived embodiment and imaginative capacities in interactional expertise
Neural representations not needed
Vol. 13/2
Daniel Hutto
Compassion and tragedy in the aspiring society
Vol. 13/4
Alison McQueen
Plural self-awareness
Vol. 13/1
Hans Bernhard Schmid
Reply to the papers
Martha C. Nussbaum
The delocalized mind. judgements, vehicles, and persons
Vol. 13/3
Pierre Steiner
How does it feel to act together?
Elisabeth Pacherie
Skillful action in peripersonal space
Gabrielle Jackson
Making our ends meet
Luca Tummolini
The temporal dynamic of emotional emergence
Thomas DesmidtMaël LemoineCatherine BelzungNatalie Depraz
Non-representationalist cognitive science and realism
Karim Zahidi
Social facts: metaphysical and empirical perspectives
Alessandro Salice(Department of Philosophy , University of Twente)Luca Tummolini
E. Schwitzgebel, Perplexities of consciousness
Adrian Alsmith
Actual and non-actual motion
Johan BlombergJordan Zlatev
Violence as a social fact
Alessandro Salice(Department of Philosophy , University of Twente)
The disoriented self
Michela Summa(Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
O. Flanagan, The Bodhisattva's brain
Matthew MacKenzie
Varieties of extended emotions
Against representations with two directions of fit
Arto Laitinen
Explaining social norm compliance
Matteo Colombo
Neural representationalism, the hard problem of content and vitiated verdicts
Extending the notion of affordance
Silvano Zipoli Caiani
Constitutive strata and the dorsal stream
Crossing the bridge
The comparator account on thought insertion, alien voices and inner speech
Agustin Vicente
How can emotions be both cognitive and bodily?
Michelle Maiese
Commitment and attunement
Craig DeLancey
Conceptualizing institutions
Corrado Roversi
Disjunctivism unmotivated
Gordon Knight
The phenomenology and science of emotions
Andreas ElpidorouLauren Freeman
Depression as existential feeling or de-situatedness?
Anthony Fernandez
Through the inverting glass
Jan Degenaar
Passive fear
Anthony Hatzimoysis
How to share a mind
Thomas Szanto(University of Copenhagen, Center for Subjectivity Research)
The effects of social ties on coordination
Giuseppe Attanasi Astrid Hopfensitz Emiliano Lorini Frédéric Moisan
Pain, pleasure, and the intentionality of emotions as experiences of values
Panos Theodorou
Minds as social institutions
Cristiano Castelfranchi
Interpersonal responsibilities and communicative intentions
Antonella Carassa Marco Colombetti
Martha C. Nussbaum's political emotions
Rick Furtak
A simple explanation of apparent early mindreading
Vol. 14/3
Marco Fenici
Locked-in syndrome
Miriam KyseloEzequiel Di Paolo
From clumsy failure to skillful fluency
Vol. 14/2
Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza
Without pretense
Uku Tooming
J. K. Schear (ed.), Mind, reason, and being-in-the-world
Andrew Buskell
Is mind extended or scaffolded?
Jennifer Greenwood
The artifactual mind
Vol. 14/1
Ciano Aydin
The case for moral perception
J. Wisnewski
Why, as responsible for figurativity, seeing-in can only be inflected seeing-in
Alberto Voltolini
Cognitive assembly
Joint action and recursive consciousness of consciousness
Vol. 14/4
Sebastian Rödl
Generativity in biology
Ramsey Affifi
Self-conscious roots of human normativity
Philippe Rochat
Feeling, meaning, and intentionality
Peer F. Bundgaard
Galen Strawson(Texas University at Austin)
Comparative metaphysics
Hannes Rakoczy
Dimensions of integration in embedded and extended cognitive systems
Richard Heersmink
Temporal inabilities and decision-making capacity in depression
Gareth S. Owen Fabian Freyenhagen Matthew Hotopf Wayne Martin
Beyond words
Louis SassElizabeth Pienkos
Pro-social cognition
Johannes Roessler(Warwick Mind and Action Research Centre, University of Warwick)Josef Perner
Strengths and weaknesses of reflection as a guide to action
Thomas H. Carr
Michele Merritt
Perceiving the intrinsic properties of objects
Ignacio Ávila
Putting pressure on theories of choking
Wayne Christensen John Sutton Doris McIlwain
Do early body ornaments prove cognitive modernity?
Duilio Garofoli
Time-series of ephemeral impressions
Monima Chadha(Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University)
Who am i in out of body experiences?
Glenn Carruthers
Meditation and unity of consciousness
Thought insertion as a disownership symptom
Three misconceptions concerning strong embodiment
Liam P. Dempsey Itay Shani
Naturalizing what?
Maxwell Ramstead(Phenomenology and Hermeneutics Special Interest Group, McGill Qualitative Health Research Group)
G. Colombetti, The feeling body
Sense of ownership and sense of agency during trauma
Yochai Ataria
Choking and the yips
David Papineau
Shadows of consciousness
Jason Costanzo
Consciousness and choking in visually-guided actions
Johan M. Koedijker David L. Mann
Free will, narrative, and retroactive self-constitution
Roman Altshuler
Developing open intersubjectivity
Matt Bower
Unreflective actions?
David Moreau
Timing together, acting together
Marek Pokropski
Media multitasking, attention, and distraction
Jesper Aagaard
The social roots of normativity
Glenda Satne
Massimiliano Cappuccio
Know-how, procedural knowledge, and choking under pressure
Gabriel Gottlieb
The origin of agency, consciousness, and free will
J. H. Hateren
S. l. Marratto, The intercorporeal self
Talia Welsh
Is monitoring one's actions causally relevant to choking under pressure?
Imagination, meaning and the phenomenological material a priori
José Ruiz Fernández
Affective resonance and social interaction
Rainer Mühlhoff
Phenomenal consciousness, representational content and cognitive access
Hilla Jacobson
Understanding social norms and constitutive rules
Ingar Brinck
Why animals are not robots
Spatial attention and perception
A. Tanesini
Choking rectified
Daniel HuttoRaúl Sánchez-García
Young children's protest
Johannes L BrandlFrank EskenBeate PriewasserEva Rafetseder
K. Zeiler and L. Folmarson Käll (eds), Feminist phenomenology and medicine
Vol. 15/2
Marianne Klinke
Volitional excuses, self-narration, and blame
Vol. 15/1
Marion Smiley
Max Scheler, cousin of disjunctivism
Vol. 15/3
Mattia Riccardi
The toiling lily
Steven DeLay
F. Macpherson and D. Platchias (eds.), Hallucination, philosophy and psychology
Rami Ali
Narratives, culture, and folk psychology
Anika Fiebich
A. Stephan, S. Walter (eds.), Handbuch Kognitionswissenschaft
Radoslaw Cichy
M. Salmela, C. von Scheve (eds.), Collective emotions
Tom Cochrane
The cognitive integration of scientific instruments
Vol. 15/4
"Strong" narrativity
Anthony Rudd
Distrusting the present
Jakob Hohwy(Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University)Bryan PatonColin Palmer
K. Andrews, The animal mind
Situating the self
Roy DingsLeon de Bruin
Framing a phenomenological interview
Simon HøffdingKristian Martiny
N. Orlandi, The innocent eye
Ken Pepper
The phenomenology of hypo- and hyperreality in psychopathology
Zeno van Duppen
Cognitive phenomenology and conscious thought
Michelle Montague (Texas University at Austin)
The capgras delusion
Neralie Wise
Perceptual access reasoning
Joseph A. Hedger
The phenomenology of empathy
Fredrik Svenaeus
The cognitive foundations of visual consciousness
Francesco Marchi Albert Newen
J. Berger and G. Turow (eds.), Music, science, and the rhythmic brain
J. A. Judge
Are affordances normative?
Manuel Heras-Escribano Manuel de Pinedo
Artifactual selves
Daniel Dennett
Leon de BruinMaureen Sie
Z. Radman (ed), The hand, an organ of the mind
Theories of apparent motion
Valtteri Arstila
Narrative self-shaping
Towards a constitutive account of implicit narrativity
Fleur Jongepier
Connecting emotions and words
Wilma Bucci Bernard Maskit Sean Murphy
On projecting and willing
Erol Copelj
Body and self
Priscilla Brandon
Animal groups and social ontology
Alejandro Arango
Eidetic results in transcendental phenomenology
Richard Tieszen
The enactive approach and disorders of the self
Miriam Kyselo
Symmetry-breaking dynamics in development
Vol. 16/4
Noah Brender
What are the contents of representations in predictive processing?
Wanja Wiese
Optimal grip on affordances in architectural design practices
Vol. 16/3
Erik Rietveld Anne Brouwers
Temporal experience, emotions and decision making in psychopathy
Anja Berninger
What's the matter with cognition?
Vol. 16/5
Georg Theiner Chris Drain
The sense of death and non-existence in nihilistic delusions
Filip Radovic
Personality as equilibrium
John Russon(Département de philosophie, Université de Montréal)
From mutual manipulation to cognitive extension
What is the future for tool-specific generalized motor programs?
François Osiurak
Violence as violation of experiential structures
Thiemo Breyer(Universität zu Köln)
Extended mind and cognitive enhancement
Vol. 16/1
E. Thompson, Waking, dreaming, being
Jacob Lucas
The social impact and the intrusive dimension of enhancement
Pierre Cassou-Noguès
Is bodily awareness a form of perception?
No-self and the phenomenology of agency
Vol. 16/2
How does it really feel to act together?
Mikko SalmelaMichiru Nagatsu
The "enhanced" warrior
Danial Qaurooni Hamid Ekbia
Against cognitive artifacts
Andres Vaccari
The phenomenology of self-presentation
Luna Dolezal(Department of Psychology, University of Exeter)
Rethinking development
David Morris(Professor of Philosophy, Concordia University, Montreal)
A case study of a meditation-induced altered state
Aviva Berkovich-Ohana
Analogical reminding and the storage of experience
Stephen E. Robbins
Narrative and embodiment – a scalar approach
Allan Køster
An enactivist account of abstract words
Brian A. Irwin
A dilemma for Heideggerian cognitive science
David Suarez
Just doing what i do
James M. Dow
Semantic inferentialism as (a form of) active externalism
Adam Carter James H. Collin Spyridon Orestis Palermos
Enactive subjectivity as flesh
John Jenkinson
Types of abduction in tool behavior
Fausto CaruanaValentina Cuccio
Y. Popova, Stories, meaning, and experience
Elena Clare Cuffari
Self across time
Joshua A. Bergamin(Universität Wien)
Language and development
Donald Landes(Faculté de philosophie, Université de Laval)
Social machines
Spyridon Orestis Palermos
Overcoming the acting/reasoning dualism in intelligent behavior
Merleau-Ponty on human development and the retrospective realization of potential
J. Hohwy, The predictive mind
R. Hufendiek, Embodied emotions
Imke von Maur
Darian Meacham
What could have been done (but wasn't)
Gunnar Declerck
The adult-child relationship in breastfeeding and development
The sense of agency – a phenomenological consequence of enacting sensorimotor schemes
Ezequiel Di PaoloThomas Buhrmann
A. Clark, Surfing uncertainty
Daniel Williams
Chiasm and hyperdialectic
Eva-Maria Simms
Affectivity and moral experience
Anna Bortolan
Enacting musical emotions
Andrea Schiavio Dylan Schyff Julian Cespedes-Guevara Mark Reybrouck
Erratum to "Young children’s protest: what it can (not) tell us about early normative understanding"
Johannes L Brandl
On the role of depersonalization in Merleau-Ponty
Dylan Trigg(Phenomenological Psychopathology and Philosophy of Psychiatry, FernUniversität Hagen)
Grasping intersubjectivity
Barbara Pieper Daniel Clénin Thomas Fuchs(Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)Hanne de Jaegher
Cognitive extension, enhancement, and the phenomenology of thinking
Philip J Walsh
C. Durt, T. Fuchs, C. Tewes (eds.), Embodiment, enaction, and culture
Maria Bruttomesso
From stability to norm transformation
Gillian Barker
How to solve the problem of phenomenal unity
Seeing emotions without mindreading them
Joulia Smortchkova
Toward a unified view of time
Vol. 17/1
Marcin Moskalewicz(University of Oxford, Faculty of Philosophy)
Situated agency
Vol. 17/4
Martin Weichold
Phenomenological constraints
Vol. 17/2
Michael Roberts
Temporal horizons
Marcin Moskalewicz(University of Oxford, Faculty of Philosophy)Erwin Straus
Depicting and seeing-in
Vol. 17/3
Patrick Eldridge
Can delusions play a protective role?
Lisa Bortolotti(University of Birmingham)Rachel Gunn
Split-brain syndrome and extended perceptual consciousness
Adrian Downey
Body, skill, and look
István Aranyosi
The subject of "we intend"
Seeing what is not seen
Addiction and embodiment
Ellen FridlandCorinde E Wiers
What can self-disorders in schizophrenia tell us about the nature of subjectivity?
Helene StephensenJosef Parnas
Storytelling agents
Rosa Hardt
Rachel GunnLisa Bortolotti(University of Birmingham)
Two visual systems in Molyneux subjects
Gabriele Ferretti
Could robots be phenomenally conscious?
Frank Hofmann
Understanding phenomenological differences in how affordances solicit action
Roy Dings
Self-consciousness and intersubjectivity
Katja CroneWolfgang Huemer
Understanding others, reciprocity, and self-consciousness
Katja Crone
Choice in a two systems world
Tillmann Vierkant
Getting stuck
Susan A J Stuart
Shared emotions
Vol. 17/5
Gerhard Thonhauser(TU Darmstadt)
M. Ratcliffe, Real hallucinations, psychiatric illness, intentionality, and the interpersonal world
Sharing the dance – on the reciprocity of movement in the case of elite sports dancers
Jing HeSusanne Ravn
Can the mind be embodied, enactive, affective, and extended?
Biosocial selfhood
Joe Higgins
Hypnotic experience and the autism spectrum disorder
Till Grohmann(Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
Reckoning with representational apriorism in evolutionary cognitive archaeology
Weak phantasy and visionary phantasy
Lajos HorváthCsaba SzummerAttila Szabo
Edith Stein's phenomenology of sensual and emotional empathy
Is the body represented in everyday bodily activities?
Luis Alejandro Murillo Lara
Phenomenal consciousness, access consciousness and self across waking and dreaming
Martina PantaniAngela TaginiAntonino Raffone
Non-representational approaches to the unconscious in the phenomenology of Husserl and Merleau-Ponty
Anastasia Kozyreva
Individualism versus interactionism about social understanding
Judith MartensTobias Schlicht
Presence in absence
Disordered existentiality
Jelscha Schmid
The bored mind is a guiding mind
Andreas Elpidorou
Sensorimotor theory, cognitive access and the "absolute' explanatory gap
The cartesian other
Alex Burri
A critical examination of existential feeling
Jussi A Saarinen
Enculturation and narrative practices
Regina E. Fabry
Enactivism, second-person engagement and personal responsibility
Janna Van Grunsven
Extended functionalism, radical enactivism, and the autopoietic theory of cognition
Mario VillalobosDavid Silverman
The puzzle of mirror self-recognition
Pragmatism and the predictive mind
Making sense of akrasia
Matthew Burch
Bodily skill and internal representation in sensorimotor perception
David Silverman
Thinking through enactive agency
Paulo de Jesus
A nice surprise? predictive processing and the active pursuit of novelty
The personal and the subpersonal in the theory of mind debate
Kristina Musholt
Gender and the senses of agency
Vol. 18/2
Nick Brancazio
"On the essence of temporal directionality and its irreversibility"
Vol. 18/3
Yuval Dolev
Process, habit, and flow
Vol. 18/1
Tailer G. Ransom
Reasons for pragmatism
Vol. 18/5
Ludger van DijkErik Myin
Heidegger's embodied others
Meindert E. Peters
Michelle Montague, The given
Philipp Schmidt(Phenomenological Psychopathology and Philosophy of Psychiatry, Fakultät für Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft)
Material engagement theory and its philosophical ties to pragmatism
Antonis Iliopoulos
Massimiliano Cappuccio,Tom Froese (eds.), Enactive cognition at the edge of sense-making
Trusted strangers
Erik Rietveld Ronald RietveldJanno Martens
Metaplasticity and the boundaries of social cognition
Alexander Aston
Spatial phenomena in material places
Filip Mattens
How to be an objectivist about colour
Where the smart things are
Paul SmartAastha MadaanWendy Hall
Metaplasticity rendered visible in paint
Martyn Woodward
Making sense of the chronology of paleolithic cave painting from the perspective of material engagement theory
Tom Froese
Against a "mindless" account of perceptual expertise
Amit Chaturvedi
Perceptual objectivity and the limits of perception
Playing with clay and the uncertainty of agency
Paul March
Agency, perception, space and subjectivity
Rick Grush Alison Springle
The complementarity of mindshaping and mindreading
Uwe Peters
Breaking explanatory boundaries
Michael Kirchhoff Russell Meyer
Concepts and how they get that way
Karenleigh A. Overmann
Natalie DeprazThomas Desmidt
Predictive minds in Ouija board sessions
Marc AndersenKristoffer L. NielboUffe SchjoedtThies PfeifferAndreas RoepstorffJesper Sørensen
But language too is material!
Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen
Bodily and temporal pre-reflective self-awareness
Constantinos PicolasNikos Soueltzis
Temporality and metaplasticity
Francesco Parisi
An enactive approach to pain
Vol. 18/4
Peter StilwellKatherine Harman
The integrated structure of consciousness
Katsunori Miyahara Olaf Witkowski
Everyday material engagement
Jayne Yatczak
Husserl, impure intentionalism, and sensory awareness
Corijn Van Mazijk(Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
Could there be scattered subjects of consciousness?
Bartek Chomanski
The effect of dynamic social material conditions on cognition in the biomedical research laboratory
Chris Goldsworthy
Immaterial engagement
Robert W. Clowes
Embodiment, sociality, and the life shaping thesis
Abnormal time experiences in persons with feeding and eating disorder
Giovanni StanghelliniMilena Mancini
Tony ChengPaul F. Snowdon
Discovering the structures of lived experience
Claire PetitmenginAnne RemillieuxCamila Valenzuela-Moguillansky
Enactive individuation
Kåre Poulsgaard
Review of Ecology of the brain, the phenomenology and biology of the embodied mind, Thomas Fuchs
Anya Daly
Is perceiving bodily action?
Kenneth Aizawa
Are perspectival shapes seen or imagined?
John SchwenklerAssaf Weksler
An outline of a unified theory of the relational self
Majid Davoody Beni
In defense of picturing
Carl Sachs
The exercise of the object
Charles Travis
Enactive processing of the syntax of sign language
Christopher Mole Graham H. Turner
What is it like to think about oneself?
Kyle Banick
Review of Wisdom won from illness, Essays in philosophy and psychoanalysis by Jonathan Lear
Dorothée Legrand
Social cognition, mindreading and narratives
Claudio Paolucci
Mechanistic explanation for enactive sociality
Ekaterina Abramova Marc Slors
Mind and material engagement
Lambros Malafouris
Exploring conceptual thinking and pure concepts from a first person perspective
Renatus ZieglerUlrich Weger
The ordinary concept of weakness of will
Vol. 19/1
Ali Yousefi Heris
On the role of habit for self-understanding
Vol. 19/3
Longing for tomorrow
Vol. 19/2
Federica CavalettiKatrin Heimann
Temporal experience as a core quality in mental disorders
Marcin Moskalewicz(University of Oxford, Faculty of Philosophy)Michael Alan Schwartz
Temporal experience in recovery from psychosis
Jann E. Schlimme Birgit Hase
Values of love
Sara Heinämaa(Jyväskylän yliopisto)
Addiction as temporal disruption
Ryan Kemp
Mental perspectives during temporal experience in posttraumatic stress disorder
Kurt Stocker
Temporal experience in mania
What is an affective artifact?
Giulia Piredda
Steinbock, a. j. (2018). It's not about the gift
Alfred Bordado Sköld
Moments of recognition
Henning Nörenberg(Institut für Philosophie, University College Cork)
A book review of Chauncey Maher, Plant minds
Miguel Segundo-Ortin
Time and intentionality
Maxime Doyon(Université de Montréal)Thiemo Breyer(Universität zu Köln)
From psychology to phenomenology (and back again)
Witold Płotka(Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie)
Simon Høffding, A phenomenology of musical absorption
Anna Petronella Foultier(Stockholms universitet)
Review of Being with the dead by Hans Ruin, Stanford university press, 2018
Manon Piette
A frame of analysis for group improvisation on the bridge between Husserl’s phenomenology and some recent readings of the predictive coding model
Lucia Angelino(Archives Husserl, École normale supérieure)
Feeling togetherness online
Lucy Osler
An enactivist approach to treating depression
The self and dance movement therapy – a narrative approach
Christian Kronsted
The human extended socio-attentional field and its impairment in borderline personality disorder and in social anxiety disorder
Oren Bader
Being a body and having a body
Maren Wehrle
From ticks to tricks of time
Arkadiusz Misztal
In hate we trust
On needing time to think
Charles Siewert(Department of Classical and European Studies, Santa Clara University)
Two ways of combining philosophy and psychopathology of time experiences
Alice Holzhey-Kunz
Phenomenological ethnography of radiology
Mindaugas Briedis
Temporal experience in anxiety
Kevin Aho
Explaining the reified notion of representation from a linguistic perspective
Farid Zahnoun
Temporal naturalism
Jack Reynolds(Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University)
Dialogue in the making
Ingar BrinckVasudevi Reddy
Otto Selz's phenomenology of natural space
Klaus Robering
M. Sheets-Johnstone, The primacy of movement
Vol. 2/1
Robert P. Crease
Is thinking an action?
Vol. 2/2
David Hunter
C. Siewert, The significance of consciousness
Glenn Braddock
The swaying form
Joseph U. Neisser
Consciousness as sensory quality and as implicit self-awareness
Consciousness in act and action
Vol. 2/3
Keith Hossack
A lexicon of attention
Sven Arvidson
An adverbial theory of consciousness
Alan Thomas
A metaphysical approach to the mind
Introspection and phenomenological method
Amie L Thomasson
Response to Crease's review essay
How long is "now"?
Susan Pockett
For a contextualist and content-related understanding of the difference between human and artificial intelligence
Vol. 23
Veronica Cibotaru(KU Leuven)
Phenomenology and the project of naturalization
Vol. 3/4
The problem of other minds
Vol. 3/1
Closing the gap?
Tim Bayne(Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University)
Exposing the conjuring trick
Vol. 3/3
On interactional expertise
Vol. 3/2
Evan Selinger John Mix
Intersubjectivity of cognition and language
Nini Praetorius
Real intentionality
Interpreting delusions
Preserving integrity against colonization
The ideal scaffolding of language
Understanding blindness
Neil Levy
What is it to move oneself emotionally?
Philippe Cabestan
Life and mind
Evan Thompson(Department of Educational Psychology & Counselling Psychology and Special Education, University of British Columbia)
Interactional expertise as a third kind of knowledge
Introduction—the explanatory gap
The trouble with madeleine
The functional role of consciousness
Bodily experience between selfhood and otherness
Bernhard Waldenfels(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
On the naturalising of phenomenology
Morten Overgaard
Introspection and subliminal perception
Thomas Ramsøy Morten Overgaard
Subjectivity in the center or back to basics
Affectivity and movement
The co-consciousness hypothesis
Frédérique de Vignemont
On the function of weak phantasmata in perception
Vol. 4/2
Dieter Lohmar
The duality of non-conceptual content in Husserl's phenomenology of perception
Michael K Shim
Sensory consciousness explained (better) in terms of "corporality' and "alerting capacity'
Vol. 4/4
John O'ReganErik Myin Alva Noë(Department of Rhetoric, University of California Berkeley)
Precis of philosophy and neuroscience
Vol. 4/3
J. O'Regan
Knowing what?
The shape of things to come
Defining imagination
Beata Stawarska(University of Oregon)
In search of the enactive
Steve Torrance
Is the brain a memory box?
Anne J. Jacobson
On the development of Husserl's transcendental phenomenology of imagination and its use for interdisciplinary research
Julia Jansen(Husserl-Archief, KU Leuven)
The mind reduced to molecules?
Verena Gottschling
Schizophrenia and the experience of intersubjectivity as threat
Paul Lysaker Jason K. Johannesen John Lysaker(Department of French & Italian, Clemson University)
Sensorimotor subjectivity and the enactive approach to experience
Animals and humans, thinking and nature
Vol. 4/1
Hume and cognitive science
Mark Collier
Phenomenology and psychophysics
Steven Horst
Imagination and the meaningful brain
Jung-In Kwon
The alien-hand experiment
Jesper Sørensen
Imagination after neurological losses of movement and sensation
Jonathan Cole
Is there imaginary loudness?
Daniel Schmicking
Rebuilding reality
Michael A. Schwartz Osborne P WigginsJean NaudinManfred Spitzer
The roots of self-awareness
Michael L. Anderson Donald Perlis
Embodied simulation
Vittorio Gallese
A matter of facts
Dorothée LegrandFranck Grammont
Autopoiesis, adaptivity, teleology, agency
Ezequiel Di Paolo
Resisting ruthless reductionism
Tim Bayne(Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University)Jordi Fernández
James Morley
Turning hard problems on their heads
Vol. 5/1
Mutual gaze and social cognition
Folk psychology' is not folk psychology
The descriptive experience sampling method
Vol. 5/3-4
Russell T. Hurlburt Sarah A. Akhter
Cognitive functions, bodily sensibility and the brain
Jay Schulkin
Evolutionary autonomous agents and the naturalization of phenomenology
Donald S. Borrett Saad Khan Cynthia Lam Danni Li Hoa B. Nguyen Hon C. Kwan
Bergson and the holographic theory of mind
Stephen Robbins
K. V. Wider, The bodily nature of consciousness
Paul Gyllenhammer
The representational theory of phenomenal character
Cognitive science and epistemic openness
Vol. 5/2
Michael L. Anderson
Describing one's subjective experience in the second person
Claire Petitmengin
Heidegger's phenomenology of boredom, and the scientific investigation of conscious experience
Sue P. Stafford Wanda Gregory
The bodily self
How does the bird build its nest?
J. Keeping
Perception and action
A physicalist reinterpretion of "phenomenal' spaces
Lieven Decock
Why we lie
Irwin Silverman
Mirror neurons and the phenomenology of intersubjectivity
The critique of pure phenomenology
Vol. 6/1-2
Alva Noë(Department of Rhetoric, University of California Berkeley)
Experience, action and representations
Vol. 6/4
Paul Coates
Face to face with an enactive approach
Aaron Kagan
Enactive appraisal
Giovanna Colombetti(Department of Psychology, University of Exeter)
John Drummond(Fordham University)
The problems of consciousness and content in theories of perception
Vol. 6/3
Participatory sense-making
Hanne de JaegherEzequiel Di Paolo
Enactive theorists do it on purpose
Marek McGann
Introduction to the second special issue on enactive experience
Representationalism and indeterminate perceptual content
John Dilworth
Reflexive monism versus complementarism
Hans-Ulrich Hoche
Too much ado about belief
Jérôme Dokic Elisabeth Pacherie
Look again
No unchallengeable epistemic authority, of any sort, regarding our own conscious experience – contra Dennett?
Eric Schwitzgebel
The phenomenologically manifest
Finding common ground between evolutionary biology and continental philosophy
Heterophenomenology and phenomenological skepticism
Jean-Michel Roy
How can you be surprised?
Roberto CasatiElena Pasquinelli
The phenomenology of agency and intention in the face of paralysis and insentience
Dennett on seeming
Taylor Carman
Mathematizing phenomenology
Jeffrey Yoshimi
Heterophenomenology reconsidered
Subjectivity in heterophenomenology
Gianfranco Soldati
In favor of (plain) phenomenology
Understanding the "active' in "enactive'
Where experiences are
Max Velmans
How experienced phenomena relate to things themselves
No heterophenomenology without autophenomenology
Eduard Marbach(Universität Bern)
Killing the straw man
Ontology, matter and emergence
Heterophenomenology versus critical phenomenology
A moratorium on cyborgs
Vol. 7/3
Evan Selinger Timothy Engström
Restating the role of phenomenal experience in the formation and maintenance of the capgras delusion
Vol. 7/2
Affect, agency and responsibility
John Protevi
Moral phenomenology and moral intentionality
Vol. 7/1
The frozen cyborg
The phenomenology of propositional attitudes
Vol. 7/4
Søren Klausen
Don Ihde
Interactive computation is interaction with what?
Are our emotional feelings relational?
Georg Northoff
The place of description in phenomenology's naturalization
Mark W Brown
M. Ratcliffe, Rethinking commonsense psychology
Mark Johnson
Affective intentionality and the feeling body
Jan Slaby(Freie Universität zu Berlin)
Handedness, self-models and embodied cognitive content
Holger Lyre
Living is expressing
Subjectivity and essential individuality
Roberta de Monticelli(Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele)
The body in action
Thor Grünbaum
Why the idea of framework propositions cannot contribute to an understanding of delusions
Tim Thornton
On being stuck in time
Christoph Hoerl(Warwick Mind and Action Research Centre, University of Warwick)
Attentional capture and attentional character
Embodying gestures
Laura Sparaci
Response to Selinger on Dreyfus
Anticipating sensitizes the body
Anton Lethin
Keeping the collectivity in mind?
Harry Collins Andy ClarkJeff Shrager
Moral phenomenology
Some strangeness in the proportion, or how to stop worrying and learn to love the mechanistic forces of darkness
Eric Dietrich
Consciousness, self-consciousness, and meditation
Wolfgang Fasching
Human moral responsibility is moral responsibility enough
Ronald N. Giere
The phenomenology of virtue
Julia Annas
Intuitions about consciousness
Joshua Knobe Jesse Prinz
Is moral phenomenology unified?
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
From ego to alter ego
Helena De Preester
Finding the space of sense
Jeff Malpas
Variability and moral phenomenology
Michael B. Gill
Prolegomena to a future phenomenology of morals
Terence HorganMark Timmons
M. Wheeler, Reconstructing the cognitive world
Leslie Marsh
Cyborg intentionality
Peter-Paul Verbeek(DesignLab, Universiteit Leiden)
Collins's incorrect depiction of Dreyfus's critique of artificial intelligence
J. C. Goméz, Apes, monkeys, children, and the growth of mind
Robin L. Zebrowski
Emotion and ethics
Vol. 8/4
Giovanna Colombetti(Department of Psychology, University of Exeter)Steve Torrance
Aplasic phantoms and the mirror neuron system
Rachel Wood Susan A J Stuart
Self–other contingencies
Marek McGann Hanne de Jaegher
Sociality and the life–mind continuity thesis
Tom FroeseEzequiel Di Paolo
A role for ownership and authorship in the analysis of thought insertion
Vol. 8/2
Lisa Bortolotti(University of Birmingham)Matthew Broome
Subjectivity in the act of representing
Line Brandt
Hume and the enactive approach to mind
Vol. 8/1
From autonomy to heteronomy (and back)
Pierre Steiner John Robert Stewart
Consequences of schematism
Thought translation, tennis and turing tests in the vegetative state
Vol. 8/3
John F. Stins Steven Laureys
Hermeneutics and theory of mind
Mahin Chenari
G. Mazis, Humans, animals, machines
Two senses for "givenness of consciousness'
Pessi Lyyra
L. Embree (ed.), Gurwitsch's relevancy for cognitive science
Gary Backhaus
The cost of explicit memory
The neurological dynamics of the imagination
John Kaag
A strange hand
Jenny Slatman
Impaired embodiment and intersubjectivity
Art as a metaphor of the mind,
Andrea Lavazza
Perceiving subjectivity in bodily movement
Dorothée LegrandSusanne Ravn
Body-extension versus body-incorporation
Helena De PreesterManos Tsakiris
Dynamical agents
Liam Dempsey Itay Shani
Motor intentionality and the case of Schneider
Rasmus Thybo Jensen
The phenomenology of negation
Jean-Michel Saury
How representationalism can account for the phenomenal significance of Illumination
M. Ratcliffe, The feelings of being
Actuality and possibility
Gunnar Declerck Olivier Gapenne
Embodied meaning and aesthetic experience
Richard Shusterman
Enactive intersubjectivity
Thomas Fuchs(Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)Hanne de Jaegher
F. Adams, K. Aizawa, The bounds of cognition
Lawrence A. Shapiro
E. Thompson, Mind in life
Keith Ansell-Pearson(Warwick Mind and Action Research Centre, University of Warwick)
Commonsense concepts of phenomenal consciousness
Vol. 9/1
Bryce Huebner
Neural resonance
Vol. 9/3
Marc Slors
Vol. 9/2
Juan C. González
The midwife case
Theresa Schilhab Gudlaug FridgeirsdottirPeter Allerup
Steps towards a critical neuroscience
Embodied experience
Elizabeth Lewis Donna M. Lloyd
On pink elephants, floating daggers, and other philosophical myths
Sacred plants and visionary consciousness
José Manuel Díaz Martín
The unity of hallucinations
Fabian Dorsch
Introduction to the special issue on 4e cognition
Vol. 9/4
Richard Menary
Reconstructing the minimal self, or how to make sense of agency and ownership
Sanneke de HaanLeon de Bruin
A phenomenological survey of auditory verbal hallucinations in the hypnagogic and hypnopompic states
Simon R. Jones Charles Fernyhough Frank Larøi
Dimensions of mind
Auditory verbal hallucinations
Frank Larøi Sanneke de HaanAndrea RaballoSimon R. Jones
Conscious machines
The holy grail of cognitivism
Enacting the self
Hallucinatory altered states of consciousness
Levente Móró
Imagery and memory illusions
Frédérique Robin
A problem for Wegner and colleagues' model of the sense of agency
The psychology of memory, extended cognition, and socially distributed remembering
John Sutton Celia HarrisPaul KeilAmanda Barnier
Kim Sterelny
The epistemics of ayahuasca visions
Benny Shanon
Human nature and cognitive
Karola Stotz
Hallucinations for disjunctivists
Jesús Vega-Encabo
The co-evolution of tools and minds
Ben Jeffares
The immersive spatiotemporal hallucination model of dreaming
Jennifer M. Windt
The value of cognitivism in thinking about extended cognition
Frederick Adams Kenneth Aizawa
Does the need for linguistic expression constitute a problem to be solved?
Liesbet Quaeghebeur Peter Reynaert
Inviting complementary perspectives on situated normativity in everyday life
Pim Klaassen Erik Rietveld Julien Topal
Embodied cognition
Fred Adams
Understanding "sensorimotor understanding'
Tom Roberts
Language and know-how
David Simpson
Adding Deleuze to the mix
Knowledge and abilities
Eva-Maria Jung Albert Newen
Wegner on hallucinations, inconsistency, and the illusion of free will
Gerben Meynen
Extended cognition, personal responsibility, and relational autonomy
Mason Cash