Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch | Kapitel


Constitution of meaning and objects in the logical investigations

Robert Sokolowski

pp. 37-73


In his attempt to develop fully the foundations of arithmetic, Husserl was led to see that the problems raised in this study could be resolved only in a much wider philosophical context. He interrupted his mathematical inquiries "until I might succeed in arriving at certain clarity in the basic questions of epistemology and in the critical understanding of logic as a science." 1 The result of his new interests was the Logical In­vestigations

Publication details

Published in:

Sokolowski Robert (1970) The formation of Husserl's concept of constitution. Den Haag, Nijhoff.

Seiten: 37-73

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-3325-0_3


Sokolowski Robert (1970) Constitution of meaning and objects in the logical investigations, In: The formation of Husserl's concept of constitution, Den Haag, Nijhoff, 37–73.