Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Lecture Series | Paper

Introducing Political Phenomenology

Sophie Loidolt, Steffen Herrmann, Gerhard Thonhauser

Montag 14 Oktober 2024

18:15 - 19:00

Political phenomenology has become a lively field of discussion. The recently published "Handbook of Political Phenomenology" (Routledge 2024) bears witness to this. In this lecture we want to present our understanding of political phenomenology, which has guided the compilation of the handbook: (1) Political phenomenology exists in different variants today, even if not always under this name. We believe, however, that these approaches can justifiably be covered and systematized under the label ‘political phenomenology.’ (2) Political phenomenology makes an important systematic contribution to political theory. Our thesis is that it functions as a valuable corrective to dominant trends in current political philosophy and therefore serves a crucial function within contemporary political thought. (3) Political phenomenology catalyzes crucial debates within the phenomenological tradition. The history of political phenomenology goes back as far as the history of phenomenology itself and continues to shape key shifts and devolopments within that tradition.