Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung



Elemental discourses

John Sallis


John Sallis's thought is oriented to two overarching tasks: to bring to light the elemental in nature and to show how the imagination operates at the very center of human experience. He undertakes these tasks by analyzing a broad range of phenomena, including perception, the body, the natural world, art, space, and the cosmos. In every case, Sallis develops an original form of discourse attuned to the specific phenomenon and enacts a thorough reflection on discourse itself in its relation to voice, dialogue, poetry, and translation.

Publication details

Publisher: Indiana University Press

Ort: Bloomington, Ind.

Year: 2018

Seiten: 200

ISBN (hardback): 9780253037220

ISBN (paperback): 9780253037237


Sallis John (2018) Elemental discourses. Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press