Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch


Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations

an attempt at a critical rationalist appraisal

Joseph Agassi


Of these papers, seven are on the background to the philosophy of Wittgenstein. Five papers examine different aspects of it: one on the philosophy of young Wittgenstein, one on his transitional period, and the final three on the philosophy of mature Wittgenstein, chiefly his Philosophical Investigations. The last of these papers, which serves as the concluding chapter, concerns the analytical school of philosophy that grew chiefly under its influence.

Details | Inhaltsverzeichnis

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Ort: Dordrecht

Year: 2018

Seiten: 295

Series: Synthese Library

Series volume: 401

ISBN (hardback): 978-3-030-00116-2

ISBN (digital): 978-3-030-00117-9


Agassi Joseph (2018) Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations: an attempt at a critical rationalist appraisal. Dordrecht, Springer.