Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel
The value of information as ontological pluralism
pp. 149-161
In my paper I will focus my attention on some philosophical aspects of the Information Ethics displayed by Luciano Floridi. Floridi's Information Ethics has the methodological merit of providing the interpretation of the Informational Turn with a solid philosophical basis, the roots of which deserve a careful investigation. In this perspective, I will analyse a key question, which is essential not only from a theoretical but also from a practical (moral, political and legal) point of view, i.e. whether or not Floridi's construction of information is consistent with a pluralistic conception of Being.
Publication details
Published in:
Demir Hilmi (2010) Luciano Floridi's philosophy of technology. Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (1-2).
Seiten: 149-161
DOI: 10.1007/s12130-010-9105-9
Durante Massimo (2010) „The value of information as ontological pluralism“. Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (1-2), 149–161.