Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Zeitschrift | Band


Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology

Band 30 (2)

herausgegeben vonDavid Seamon

Abstrakt This special 30th-anniversary issue includes the following items:  An “in memoriam” for phenomenological sociologist George Psathas, who died last November;  “Book notes” on philosopher Dan Zahavi’s Phenomenology: The Basics; and naturalist Paul Krafel’s Roaming Upward;  The third part of the late philosopher Henri Bortoft’s 1999 conference presentation on Goethean science;  Sociologist Julia Bennett’s overview of her doctoral research relating to belonging among families who have lived in one English town for multiple generations;  Environmental educator John Cameron’s continuing discussion of “lived interiority” via consideration of landscape character as understood by several well-known thinkers and writers;  Australian artist and photograph Sue Michael’s introductory text and several works that were part of her recent painting and photography exhibit, “Settled Areas”;  To mark EAP’s 30th year of publication, editor David Seamon’s discussion of current conceptual and methodological concerns relating to phenomenology as a philosophy and research approach;  The issue ends with 23 definitions of phenomenology written by eminent phenomenological thinkers. If you have difficulty with the link, email me and I will send you a PDF of the issue. A complete digital EAP archive (1990-2019) is available at: David Seamon Editor, Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology

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Publication details

Zeitschrift: Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology

Band: 30

Issue: 2

Year: 2019


Seamon David (2019) Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 30 (2).