Zeitschrift | Band
COVID-19 Crisis
Band 29 (114-115)
Dear Sir or Madam: The Slovenian peer-reviewed scientific journal of phenomenology and hermeneutics Phainomena would like to dedicate a special thematic section of the upcoming issue to the discussion of the COVID-19 crisis. Insofar as the pandemic spreading of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has in the recent months fundamentally—not only through the staggering rise of its death toll, but also through the strict measures undertaken for its containment—encroached upon the life of humanity as a whole, locally and globally affecting all—individual as well as communal, private as well as professional—aspects of sociality, the situation of the crisis calls for a thorough, careful, and serious re-consideration of the problems, which have brought forth the best—selfless solidarity—and the worst—opportunist profiteering—in humankind. Although the short- and long-term reverberations of the outbreak of COVID-19 cannot be measured out entirely in advance, before the end of the crisis, a successful outcome and a secure outlook for “the world after the pandemic” can only be—in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner—occasioned by a comprehensive, mutually respectful conversation among different fields and faculties of knowledge. The journal Phainomena would, therefore, like to provide scholars working in the domains of phenomenological and hermeneutic research, as well as in the related realms of the humanities, with a forum for the discussion of social, political, economic, medical, educational, and cultural exigencies and consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. We cordially invite you to prepare a contribution regarding the proposed theme, which we would be honored to publish within the upcoming issue of Phainomena. The deadline for the submission of manuscripts is August 31, 2020. Please find enclosed in the attachment also the Manuscript Submission Guidelines. The papers in the languages accommodated by the editorial offices of the journal (English, French, German, and Slovenian) should be submitted to the email address of Dr. Božič (andrej.bozic@institut-nr.si). We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Details | Inhaltsverzeichnis
intersubjective life from enaction to epigenesis
Publication details
Zeitschrift: Phainomena
Band: 29
Issue: 114-115
Year: 2020
Božič Andrej (2020) COVID-19 Crisis. Phainomena 29 (114-115).