Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch


Structuralist poetics

Structuralism, linguistics and the study of literature

Jonathan Culler(Cornell University)


This book introduces a new way of studying literature by attempting to create a systematic account of the structure of literary works, rather than studying the meaning of the work. It offers an overview and appraisal of contributions to literary theory of French structuralism and post- structuralism. Culler's new preface answers some of the criticisms leveled at his approach and details how it is still as relevant today as when it was first published.

Publication details

Publisher: Cornell University Press

Ort: Ithaca

Year: 1975

Seiten: 301, xi

Series: Cornell Paperbacks

ISBN (paperback): 9780801409288


Culler Jonathan (1975) Structuralist poetics: Structuralism, linguistics and the study of literature. Ithaca, Cornell University Press.