Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch


Nature's suit

Husserl's phenomenological philosophy of the physical sciences

Lee Hardy


Argues that both views represent a serious misreading of Husserl's texts. Offering a jargon-free explanation of the basic principles of Husserl's phenomenology, this book provides an introduction to the philosophy of Edmund Husserl as well as a focused examination of his potential contributions to the philosophy of science.

Publication details

Publisher: Ohio University Press

Ort: Athens, OH

Year: 2014

Seiten: 248, xii

Series: Series in Continental Thought

Series volume: 45

ISBN (hardback): 9780821420669


Hardy Lee (2014) Nature's suit: Husserl's phenomenological philosophy of the physical sciences. Athens, OH, Ohio University Press.