Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch


L'interno e il mondo

Jan Patočka

herausgegeben vonMarco Barcaro

Translated by Marco Barcaro


The volume presents the translation of a manuscript that dates back to the 1940s. These pages belonged to a larger, unfinished project, through which Patocka tried to elaborate a philosophy of man and of his inner in a transcendental sense. The critical objective of the text is the scientific biologism. On the one hand we can recognize motives deriving from German idealism, on the other there emerges a new phenomenological approach. Thus, it reflects the first attempts of the Czech philosopher to reformulate the relationship between subjectivity and world in an original way. This project aimed to develop a phenomenological theory of subjectivity that would have to precede a philosophical interpretation of non-human organic life, and move in the direction of a philosophy of vitality. With the concept of the inner, Patocka intended to replace the concept of subject, renouncing on one side the Husserlian transcendental subjectivity, and on the other side the Heideggerian Dasein.

Publication details

Publisher: Mimesis

Ort: Milano

Year: 2018

Seiten: 180

Series: Macula

Series volume: 6

ISBN (hardback): 9788857548937


Patočka Jan (2018) L'interno e il mondo. Milano, Mimesis.