Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel
Lecturing's work
a collaborative study with Harold Garfinkel
pp. 175-192
This article discusses some empirical materials from a collaborative study of "lecturing's work" which the author conducted with Harold Garfinkel. The paper shows Garfinkel at work by presenting a history of the collaboration and discussing what we found. The article also considers some larger implications of our research for understanding how ethnomethodological studies can recover and discover the material regularities of everyday life as they are practiced in distinct settings. The paper reports on a program of ethnomethodological inquiry for discovering in situ what the produced orderliness of any setting's endogenous tasks, competent courses of action and organizational objects could possibly be. The promise is that just what is identifying of social order, action and meaning is to be found massively, as the routine grounds of everyday activities, and in every case, as something worldly and embodied.
Publication details
Published in:
Psathas George, Endreß Martin (2012) In memoriam of Harold Garfinkel. Human Studies 35 (2).
Seiten: 175-192
DOI: 10.1007/s10746-012-9228-y
Lee Burns Stacy (2012) „Lecturing's work: a collaborative study with Harold Garfinkel“. Human Studies 35 (2), 175–192.