Entangled into histories or the narrative grounds of multiple realities
pp. 173-193
What is the relation between the imaginary and the real constituting our paramount reality? The article approaches the cleavage between fiction and facts by interrogating the genesis of meaning as this genesis is brought about by fictitious works of memory and commemoration. Narrative structures prove to be the intersubjective ground for comprehensive action insofar narration mediates between past and future, and thus gives way to appresent the non-present in collective actions. Further on, narratively we are bound to life world and are indebted to it with an ethical strain of our Self as we gain our identity exactly by narration.
Publication details
Published in:
Barber Michael, Dreher Jochen (2014) The interrelation of phenomenology, social sciences and the arts. Dordrecht, Springer.
Seiten: 173-193
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01390-9_13
Hilt Annette (2014) „Entangled into histories or the narrative grounds of multiple realities“, In: M. Barber & J. Dreher (eds.), The interrelation of phenomenology, social sciences and the arts, Dordrecht, Springer, 173–193.