Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch | Kapitel



William Richardson

pp. 553-561


The way is long. Let us rest a while. We deal now with two minor pieces that have, to be sure, their value, but give us a chance to relax. The first bears the title "From the Experience of Thought."1 It is a series of epigrams, poetic in style, and, dating from 1947, adopts a curious format: the left-hand side of the page carries a single line of nature-description (sample: "When the early morning light grows silently over the mountains…")2 and the right side four epigrams. One finds it difficult to see a connection between individual lines of description and the corresponding epigrammatic groups, so it seems that one must seek a significance in the structure of the whole.

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