Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel
Bocheński and balance
system and history in analytic philosophy
pp. 281-297
Using the work of Józef Bocheński as apositive example, this paper sets out the casefor a balanced use of historical knowledge indoing analytic philosophy. Between the twoextremes of relativizing historicism, whichdenies absolute truth, and arrogant scientism,which denies any constructive role for thehistory of ideas in philosophy, lies a viamedia in which historical reflection onconcepts and their history is placed at theservice of the system of cognitive philosophy.Knowledge of the history of philosophy, whilenot a sine qua non, can empower analyticphilosophy to push forward to new and moresatisfactory solutions to old and new problems.Examples are adduced from Bocheński's oeuvreand from the author's own experience.
Publication details
Published in:
(2003) Studies in East European Thought 55 (4).
Seiten: 281-297
Simons Peter (2003) „Bocheński and balance: system and history in analytic philosophy“. Studies in East European Thought 55 (4), 281–297.