Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel



In their Introduction, the editors of the volume briefly describe how ontological questions have been taken as fundamental since the very origins of analytic philosophy, eventually gaining centrality during the last decades, and how they have been coming to the centre of interest in Italian-speaking analytic-style philosophy since the mid-1990s. The editors give a schematic outline of the overall structure of the volume and say how it can be grounded on the distinction between formal and material ontology.

Publication details

Published in:

(2012) Ontologia analitica. Rivista di estetica 49.

Seiten: 3-6

DOI: 10.4000/estetica.1665


Bottani Andrea, Davies Richard (2012) „Introduzione“. Rivista di estetica 49, 3–6.