Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel
La penultima verità?
Naturalismo e neurofilosofia
pp. 7-28
Recent development of cognitive neuroscience shows the increasing capacity to propose neurobiological accounts of social cognition. Much research in fields such as neuroeconomics, neuroethics and neuroesthetics offers “brain-based” explanations of behaviour. But what is a “brain-based” explanation? And what is its relation with higher-level explanations? We may call “neurobiological fundamentalism” the thesis that the neural level is epistemologically fundamental – and that the higher-level explanations supplied by the special sciences such as psychology, are derivative. In this context, the main aim of the present paper is to criticize neurobiological fundamentalism and to offer an alternative account based on explicative pluralism, a perspective that emphasizes the plurality of concepts, methods and evidential resources that characterise contemporary science of the mind.
Publication details
Published in:
(2010) E naturale essere naturalisti?. Rivista di estetica 44.
Seiten: 7-28
Di Francesco Michele (2010) „La penultima verità?: Naturalismo e neurofilosofia“. Rivista di estetica 44, 7–28.