Buch | Kapitel
The concept of "psychologism' in Frege and Husserl
pp. 12-31
Both Frege and Husserl are well-known to have campaigned against a philosophical position known as psychologism. In this essay, I will begin by focusing upon the nature of psychologism in general, and then on the specific sort or sorts of psychologism Frege and Husserl were up against, before looking at the arguments they pressed against that position. Finally, I will ask if a radical anti-psychologistic position is a defensible one.
Publication details
Published in:
Mohanty Jithendra Nath (1999) Logic, truth and the modalities: from a phenomenological perspective. Dordrecht, Springer.
Seiten: 12-31
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-2113-4_2
Mohanty Jithendra Nath (1999) The concept of "psychologism' in Frege and Husserl, In: Logic, truth and the modalities, Dordrecht, Springer, 12–31.