Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Buch | Kapitel


Effects of cultural orientation on attitude toward anonymity in e-collaboration

Yingqin Zhong Na Liu John Lim

pp. 121-138


The important role of attitude in the acceptance and diffusion of technology has been widely acknowledged. Greater research efforts have been called for examining the relationships between cultural variables and attitude toward technology. In this regard, this study investigates the impact of cultural orientation (focusing on an individual's degree of collectivism) on attitude toward e-collaboration technology. A theoretical model is proposed and subsequently tested using a questionnaire survey involving 236 data points. Self-reliance, competitive success, and group work orientation are found as significant indicators reflecting an individual's degree of collectivism, which in turn influences willingness to participate, evaluation of collaborative effort, and preference for anonymity feature. Subsequently, the three variables are found to affect perceptions about decision quality, enjoyment, uncertainty, and pressure in e-collaboration.

Publication details

Published in:

M Bernardos Ana, Kautz Karlheinz (2008) Open it-based innovation: moving towards Cooperative it transfer and knowledge diffusion: ifip tc8 wg 8.6 international working conference october 22–24, 2008, madrid, spain. Dordrecht, Springer.

Seiten: 121-138

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-87503-3_7


Zhong Yingqin, Liu Na, Lim John (2008) „Effects of cultural orientation on attitude toward anonymity in e-collaboration“, In: A. M Bernardos & K. Kautz (eds.), Open it-based innovation: moving towards Cooperative it transfer and knowledge diffusion, Dordrecht, Springer, 121–138.