Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Buch | Kapitel


Open innovation and the erosion of the traditional information systems project's boundaries

Amany Elbanna

pp. 423-439


This paper examines the notion of open innovation and its implication on information systems management. It investigates a project of an enterprise resource planning system implementation in an international organization to unravel the resemblance with the open innovation model. The study shows that the conceptualization of ERP project as an open innovation could reveal the complex architecture of today's organization from which the ERP project cannot be isolated. It argues that the traditional boundaries around IS projects are dissolving and the relationship between what used to be outside and what used to be inside the project is increasingly blurred. The study calls for a different perspective of project management that goes beyond single and multiple project management to scan the open space of innovation and actively look for partners, competitors, and collaborators.

Publication details

Published in:

M Bernardos Ana, Kautz Karlheinz (2008) Open it-based innovation: moving towards Cooperative it transfer and knowledge diffusion: ifip tc8 wg 8.6 international working conference october 22–24, 2008, madrid, spain. Dordrecht, Springer.

Seiten: 423-439

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-87503-3_24


Elbanna Amany (2008) „Open innovation and the erosion of the traditional information systems project's boundaries“, In: A. M Bernardos & K. Kautz (eds.), Open it-based innovation: moving towards Cooperative it transfer and knowledge diffusion, Dordrecht, Springer, 423–439.