Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Buch | Kapitel


Constructive recursive functions, Church's thesis, and Brouwer's theory of the creating subject

afterthoughts on a Parisian joint session

Göran Sundholm

pp. 1-35


The first half of the paper discusses recursive versus constructive functions and, following Heyting, stresses that from a constructive point the former cannot replace the latter. The second half of the paper treats of the Kreisel-Myhill theory CS for Brouwer's Creating Subject, and its relation to BHK meaning-explanations and Kripke's Schema. Kripke's Schema is reformulated as a principle and shown to be classically valid. Assuming existence of a verification-object for this principle, a modification of a proof of conservativeness of Van Dalen's, is shown to give a relative BHK meaning explanation for the Kreisel-Myhill connective. The result offers an explanation of why Kripke's Schema can be used as a replacement of the Theory of Creating Subject when formulating Brouwerian counter-examples. It also shows that the Theory of Creating Subject is classically valid.

Publication details

Published in:

Dubucs Jacques, Bourdeau Michel (2014) Constructivity and computability in historical and philosophical perspective. Dordrecht, Springer.

Seiten: 1-35

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9217-2_1


Sundholm Göran (2014) „Constructive recursive functions, Church's thesis, and Brouwer's theory of the creating subject: afterthoughts on a Parisian joint session“, In: J. Dubucs & M. Bourdeau (eds.), Constructivity and computability in historical and philosophical perspective, Dordrecht, Springer, 1–35.