Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Buch | Kapitel


Speaker's meaning

with reference to Marcelo Dascal's book Mashav haruah

Rodica Amel

pp. 101-112


Starting off with the idea that Marcelo Dascal's book Mashav HaRuah is a confession, our present study will be focused on the concept of the speaker's meaning – an important interpretative tool in Dascal's pragmatic philosophy.Our commentary will follow a pragmatic & beyond point of view, by performing pragmatic and hermeneutic inquiries. In our interpretation, "hermeneutic" means the meaning constitution of axiological concepts, those relevant for Mashav HaRuah (author)'s persona.

Publication details

Published in:

Riesenfeld Dana, Scarafile Giovanni (2014) Perspectives on theory of controversies and the ethics of communication: explorations of Marcelo Dascal's contributions to philosophy. Dordrecht, Springer.

Seiten: 101-112

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-7131-4_10


Amel Rodica (2014) „Speaker's meaning: with reference to Marcelo Dascal's book Mashav haruah“, In: D. Riesenfeld & G. Scarafile (eds.), Perspectives on theory of controversies and the ethics of communication, Dordrecht, Springer, 101–112.