Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch


Québec studies in the philosophy of science, part I

logic, mathematics, physics and history of science essays in honor of hugues Leblanc

herausgegeben vonMathieu Marion Robert S Cohen

Details | Inhaltsverzeichnis

Internal logic

a radically constructive logic for mathematics and physics

Yvon Gauthier


Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Ort: Dordrecht

Year: 1995

Seiten: 331

Series: Boston studies in the philosophy of science

Series volume: 177

ISBN (hardback): 978-94-010-7204-5

ISBN (digital): 978-94-009-1575-6


Marion Mathieu, Cohen Robert S (1995) Québec studies in the philosophy of science, part I: logic, mathematics, physics and history of science essays in honor of hugues Leblanc. Dordrecht, Springer.