Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch | Kapitel


Analytic controversies

Aviram Sariel

pp. 141-148


Marcelo Dascal's Theory Of Controversies is bundled with historical narratives, sometimes implicit, which emphasizes the role of dichotomist distinctions between Discussions and Disputes as an intermediate stepping-stone on the way to the ternary structure, which contains also Controversies. In the following paper, standard tools of the analytic trade, namely analysis of linguistic structure, are employed to propose a revised model of the dualist theory.

Publication details

Published in:

Scarafile Giovanni, Gruenpeter Gold Leah (2016) Paradoxes of conflicts. Dordrecht, Springer.

Seiten: 141-148

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41978-7_11


Sariel Aviram (2016) „Analytic controversies“, In: G. Scarafile & L. Gruenpeter Gold (eds.), Paradoxes of conflicts, Dordrecht, Springer, 141–148.