Buch | Kapitel
In search of an integrated view on the whole of reality
introducing the worldview project
pp. 1-10
A "World View" is "a house for the Spirit" (F. Lange). In a house, there are many rooms. They do not all have the same function. A living-room is normally not a study room, and a bathroom has its own finality. Nevertheless, the rooms of a house are connected with one another: they are integrated into a whole, because the same family is living in it. Why should it be different with the family of mankind, living on earth?
Publication details
Published in:
Aerts Diederik, Van Belle Hubert, Van Der Veken Jan (1999) World views and the problem of synthesis: the yellow book of "Einstein meets Magritte". Dordrecht, Springer.
Seiten: 1-10
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-4708-8_1
Van Der Veken Jan (1999) „In search of an integrated view on the whole of reality: introducing the worldview project“, In: D. Aerts, H. Van Belle & J. Van Der Veken (eds.), World views and the problem of synthesis, Dordrecht, Springer, 1–10.