pp. 175-185
The concept being, purged of all the content which determines it, is, according to Hegel, not distinguishable from pure nothingness. But already the intellectual power to strip of all content, the boldness of the abstraction and the universalization are sanctioned by this nothingness which undermines being, the decomposition that exhausts being's esse, the finitude of essence. Without the generalization and the corruption that wear it down, there would not be produced the procession of the concept of the individual through negation, whatever could have been the efforts of purely logical generalization. The concept emanates from essence. The nothingness that wearies it mortally perpetuates the truth of idealisms, the privilege of thematization and the interpretation of the being of entities by the objectivity of objects. Without this erosion of essence accomplished by its very esse, nothing would ever have shown itself. For does not the object of perception traverse an indefinite multiplicity of silhouettes to be identified with identity, distinct from any concrete similitude between images? Science which is science of the universal, play of essence playing at being and at nothingness, would never have been born. Essence would never have had to be revealed through a detour, passing through humanity. The energy of its movement in the efficacity of praxis in which the abstract and as it were asthenic concept takes hold of the immediate to fashion it according to its own idea by institutions and laws. Essence, cognition and action are bound to death. It is as though the Platonic Ideas themselves owed their eternity and their purity as universals only to the perishing of the perishable, before requiring a republic so as to come out of their bad idealism and be efficacious.
Publication details
Published in:
Levinas Emmanuel (1991) Otherwise than being or beyond essence. Dordrecht, Springer.
Seiten: 175-185
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-015-7906-3_6
Levinas Emmanuel (1991) Outside, In: Otherwise than being or beyond essence, Dordrecht, Springer, 175–185.