pp. 1-11
This volume is a collaborative work in Christian philosophy, and this introductory chapter articulates the view of Christian philosophical engagement which underlies it. On this view, philosophical work brings to light deeper and more adequate understandings of the tenets of Christian belief. To that degree, Christian theology and self-understanding cannot develop adequately without philosophical work which is detached, critical, and free. But if one goal of this volume is to further philosophically developed theologies, its other goal is to encourage theologically developed philosophies. Philosophies otherwise disinterested in religion are routinely motivated by properly theological problems. In that sense, a theological development of philosophy is in some way connatural to the work of philosophy. This volume collects the essays of Christian philosophers and theologians from Europe and the United States who came together for conferences and meetings at Pázmány Péter University in Budapest in 2015. Their contributions both interrogate philosophy theologically, and theology philosophically. They all aim to further the work of a philosophically developed Christianity, and a theologically attentive philosophy. This introduction gives a précis of each chapter, and indicates five main strands of philosophical engagement with Christianity relevant for contemporary conversations.
Publication details
Published in:
Mezei Balázs M, Vale Matthew Z. (2019) Philosophies of christianity: at the crossroads of contemporary problems. Dordrecht, Springer.
Seiten: 1-11
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-22632-9_1
Mezei Balázs M (2019) „Introduction“, In: B.M. Mezei & M. Z. Vale (eds.), Philosophies of christianity, Dordrecht, Springer, 1–11.