Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel


Simple animals and complex biology

von Uexküll's two-fold influence on Cassirer's philosophy

Frederik Stjernfelt

pp. 169-186


It is a well-known fact that Ernst Cassirer was inspired by his colleague, the biologist Jakob von Uexküll at the university of Hamburg. This paper claims this inspiration was double—affecting both Cassirer’s philosophical anthropology and Cassirer’s epistemology of biology, but in two rather different ways. Thus, the paper intends to shed light on a corner of the history of the development of German thought of the interwar period. It may also have an actual interest because both Cassirer and Uexküll enjoy, for the time being and each in their way, a renaissance, e.g. in the recent field of biosemiotics.

Publication details

Published in:

Pedersen Esther Oluffa, Brock Steen, Festersen Claus, Pedersen Stig Andur (2011) The philosophy of symbolic forms and the question of human culture. Synthese 179 (1).

Seiten: 169-186

DOI: 10.1007/s11229-009-9634-5


Stjernfelt Frederik (2011) „Simple animals and complex biology: von Uexküll's two-fold influence on Cassirer's philosophy“. Synthese 179 (1), 169–186.