Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

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The dialogical approach to paraconsistency

Sahid RahmanWalter Carnielli

pp. 201-232


Being a pragmatic and not a referential approach tosemantics, the dialogical formulation ofparaconsistency allows the following semantic idea tobe expressed within a semi-formal system: In anargumentation it sometimes makes sense to distinguishbetween the contradiction of one of the argumentationpartners with himself (internal contradiction) and thecontradiction between the partners (externalcontradiction). The idea is that externalcontradiction may involve different semantic contextsin which, say A and ¬A have been asserted.The dialogical approach suggests a way of studying thedynamic process of contradictions through which thetwo contexts evolve for the sake of argumentation intoone system containing both contexts.More technically, we show a new, dialogical, way tobuild paraconsistent systems for propositional andfirst-order logic with classical and intuitionisticfeatures (i.e. paraconsistency both with and withouttertium non-datur) and present theircorresponding tableaux.

Publication details

Published in:

(2000) Synthese 125 (1-2).

Seiten: 201-232

DOI: 10.1023/A:1005294523930


Rahman Sahid, Carnielli Walter (2000) „The dialogical approach to paraconsistency“. Synthese 125 (1-2), 201–232.