Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel


Rationality and epistemic paradox

Frederick Kroon

pp. 377-408


This paper provides a new solution to the epistemic paradox of ‘belief-instability’, a problem of rational choice which has recently received considerable attention (versions of the problem have been discussed by — among others — Tyler Burge, Earl Conee, and Roy Sorensen). The problem involves an ideally rational agent who has good reason to believe the truth of something of the form:

Publication details

Published in:

(1993) Synthese 94 (3).

Seiten: 377-408

DOI: 10.1007/BF01064486


Kroon Frederick (1993) „Rationality and epistemic paradox“. Synthese 94 (3), 377–408.