Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Zeitschrift | Autoren


Herbert Hochberg

The facts of tropes


Herbert Hochberg

in: Mind, values, and metaphysics I, Dordrecht : Springer

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On thinking about the mental and the physical


Herbert Hochberg

in: Philosophy and logic in search of the Polish tradition, Dordrecht : Springer

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New foundations of ontology


Herbert Hochberg

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56/2

Intentional reference as a logical relation


Herbert Hochberg

in: Wittgenstein, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Truth, facts, and possibilities in the correspondence theories of Wittgenstein, Moore, and Russell


Herbert Hochberg

in: Wittgenstein — eine neubewertung/Wittgenstein — towards a re-evaluation, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

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