Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Zeitschrift | Bände
From the other to the individual
Vol. 1
Jean-Luc Marion
Levinas and judaism
Michael L Morgan
Ethics of the image
Kevin Hart
The exception of testimony
Rodolphe Calin
The blessings of a friendship
Jeffrey L. Kosky
Levinas and the question of friendship
Alan Udoff
Derrida and Levinas
Paola Marrati(Department of Musicology, University of Memphis)
Levinas, Plato and ethical exegesis
Richard Cohen
Otherwise than laïcité?
Vol. 10
Mark Cauchi
Ethical dwelling and the glory of bearing witness
Hanoch Ben-Pazi
"Flipping the deck"
Jack Marsh
Tracing a traumatic temporality
Cathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen
The recurrence of acoustics in Levinas
Roberto Wu
The transcendence of words
Akos Krassoy
Bearing the other and bearing sexuality
Deborah Achtenberg
Transcendence and sensibility
Vol. 11
Irina Poleshchuk
"Like a virgin"
Brigitta Keintzel
The il y a and the ungrund
James McLachlan
Europe and embodiment
James Mensch
Translation of Levinas's review of Lev Shestov's Kierkegaard and the existential philosophy
Levinas on art and aestheticism
On (im)patient messianism
Chung-Hsiung Lai
The strangeness of alterity
Jolanta Saldukaitytė
Facing the space of reasons
Kevin Houser
On the way to ethical culture
Rossitsa Varadinova Borkowski
Killing in the name of care
Vol. 12
Joel Michael Reynolds(Georgetown University)
The ethics of the survivor
François-David Sebbah Mérédith Laferté-Coutu
Editors' introduction
Robert BernasconiPeter Giannopoulos
Moshe Gold and Sandor Goodhart, eds., Of Levinas and Shakespeare
Zachary Tavlin
A broken fast
Timothy Stock
Dwelling in carceral space
Lisa Guenther
Cynthia D. Coe, Levinas and the trauma of responsibility: the ethical significance of time
Interrogating the doctrine of the univocity of being
Aminah Hasan-Birdwell(Philosophy Department, Furman University)
"And God created woman"
Bettina Bergo(École de design, University of Ottawa)
Schelling and Levinas
Vol. 2
Joseph P Lawrence
The role of lurianic Kabbalah in the early philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas
Jacob Meskin
Levinas between monotheism and cosmotheism
Martin Kavka
Levinas as (mis)reader of Spinoza
Michael Juffé
From politics to ethics (Hegel) or from ethics to politics (Levinas)?
Adriaan Peperzak
God and philosophy according to Levinas
Jean-Marc Narbonne
Levinas and the history of philosophy
Jacques Taminiaux
Educating the solitary man
Claire Katz
Art, religion, and ethics post mortem dei
Peter Atterton
"What one asks of oneself, one asks of a saint"
Vol. 3
Johan F. Goud
Otherness as path toward overcoming violence
Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer
The past and future community
James Faulconer
Robert Bernasconi
Emmanuel Levinas and the judaism of the good samaritan
Lawrence Vogel
In praise of visibility
Rudi Visker
Epistemic and ethical intersubjectivity in Brandom and Levinas
Michael Barber(Saint Louis University)
On subjectivity and political debt
John Drabinski
A site from which to hope?
The defection of phenomenology
Vol. 4
Didier FranckNoah Brender
Breathing "to" the other
Michael Marder(University of the Basque Country)
The work of service
Steven G. Smith
Levinas's ethical horizon, affective neuroscience, and social field theory
Andrew Tallon
Relating Levinas and Gadamer through Heidegger
David Vessey(Department of Philosophy, Grand Valley State University)
Reducing the one to the other
Anthony Steinbock(Southern Illinois University)
Levinas and early confucian ethics
Eric Sean Nelson
The problem of embodiment in the early writings of Emmanuel Levinas
Cristian Ciocan(Universitatea din București)Kascha Semon
Experience of infinity in Levinas
László Tengelyi
Levinas's early account of transcendence
Vol. 5
Kris Sealey
Plurality and transcendence
Jeffrey Bloechl(Boston College)
The keenness of hope
Catherine ChalierPeter Hanly
The meaning of religious practice
Emmanuel Levinas
"The dignity of the mind"
James Dodd(New School for Social Research)
Levinas underground
Val Vinokur
The environment
Alphonso Lingis
Parables of exposure
Erik Larsen
The early Levinas and Heidegger
Jean-Michel Salanskis
Beyond phenomenology
Joëlle Hansel
A Levinasian meditation on Shakespeare's Macbeth
Nicholas Doenges
A wandering dog as the "last Kantian in Nazi Germany"
Vol. 6
Claudia Welz
Disastrous responsibility
Arthur Cools
Recognizing the gift in giving thanks
Bernhard CasperTobias Keiling(Bonn University)
The novelty of religion and the religiosity of substitution in Levinas and Agamben
Christopher Fox
Skeptical poetics and discursive universality
James Hatley
Morality in the laboratory
Josy EisenbergPeter Atterton Joëlle Hansel
Reflections on the metaphysical God after his demise
Sarah Allen
Tracing the sacred, tracing the face
Jules Simon
Tradition and its disavowal
Philip Harold
Face to face with the other other
Vol. 7
Simone Drichel
Eurocentrism and colorblindness
Oona Eisenstadt
Grant Farred(Department of English, Dartmouth College)
Ethics in the absence of reference
Mary Gallagher
Eros in infinity and totality
Anjali Prabhu
Fecundity and natal alienation
Vernacular solidarity
Levinas, Sartre, and the question of solidarity
Levinas's hegemonic identity politics, radical philosophy, and the unfinished project of decolonization
Nelson Maldonado-Torres
Through the lens of Levinas
Vol. 8
Richard Sugarman(University of Vermont)
Beyond haverut
Abi Doukhan
Jankélévitch and Levinas on the "wholly other"
Andrew Kelley
From solitude to maternity
Steven Shankman
"Oral discourse is the plenitude of discourse"
Olga Kuminova
Levinas and the question of cardiology
Salvation through literature
Seán Hand
Levinas and Lacan
Guy-Félix DuportailSharon Lynn Joyce
The missing sequel
Vol. 9
Eric Severson
Heidegger's ethics and Levinas's ontology
Martin Gak
Transcendence and salvation in Levinas's Time and the other and Totality and infinity
Marc A. Cohen
The inhuman core of human dignity
Eros and justice
Woman as first among equals
Jeffrey Hanson
Phenomenology and the infinite
Drew M. Dalton
The self as inseparable separation
Nicole Note
Speech and silence