Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Zeitschrift | Bände
Phenomenology and history
Vol. 13
Thomas Munson
Phenomenology and systematic philosophy
Wilhelm Dupre Louis Dupré
Perception and temporality in Husserl's phenomenology
Vol. 14
Carol Kates
Merleau-Ponty and the Husserlian reductions
Vol. 17
Raymond J. Devettere
Husserl's concept of the human sciences
George Stack
Essence in recent philosophy
Vol. 18
Jerome Ashmore
On speech and temporality
Bernard Dauenhauer
Does Husserl's reach exceed his grasp?
William Horosz
Husserl and Heidegger
Vol. 21
Robert O. Schneider
Philosophy as a rigorous science
Michael J. Seidler
Phenomenology reinterpreted
Frederick Elliston
A phenomenological examination of Husserl's theory of hyletic data
Quentin Smith
Seeing and saying
Thomas P Hohler
Husserl's philosophical anthropology
Jeffner Allen
Michel Foucault and the Husserlian problematic of a transcendental philosophy of history
Vol. 22
Bernard Flynn
Transcendence and the transcendental in Husserl's phenomenology
Vol. 23
John D Caputo
The significance of Husserl's Logical investigations
Charles J. Dougherty
Edmund Husserl, phenomenology and the crisis of language
Dorothy Leland
Does Husserl have a philosophy of history in the Crisis!
Doug Mann
Phenomenology and the paradox of truth
Vol. 24
F.B. McCluskey
The Apriori in phenomenology and the legacy of logical empiricism
Philip Blosser
The concept of the self in Husserl and beyond
William Fowkes
Phenomenology and the empiricist criteria for meaning
Ralph Ellis
Husserl's early conception of the triadic structure of the intentional act
Vol. 25
Husserlian themes in Heidegger
Vol. 27
Timothy J. Stapleton
Merleau-Ponty's interpretation of Husserl's phenomenological reduction
Allen S. Weiss
Merleau-Ponty's refinement of Husserl
Vol. 29
James Tuedio
Great themes in Husserl's thought
Vol. 3/1
Herman Van Breda
Phenomenology and speculation
Hedwig Conrad-Martius(Höhere Töchterschule)
Philosophy and finitude
Vol. 30
The source and nature of Edmund Husserl's transcendental turn
Dilthey and Husserl on the role of the subject in history
Vol. 32
Jacob Owensby
Levinas, Rosenzweig and the phenomenologies of Husserl and Heidegger
Richard Cohen
Axiology as the form of purity of heart
Vol. 34
James G Hart(Department of Germanic Studies, James Madison University)
Emotions and responsibility
Vol. 35/2
George Turski
Philosophical hierarchies and Lyotard's dichotomies
Raphael SassowerCharla Phyllis Ogaz
Pragmatics and pragmatism
Patrick Sullivan
Vérité à faire
Bernhard Waldenfels(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
We mortals
Alphonso Lingis
Narrative identity
Vol. 35/1
Paul Ricoeur
The rooting and uprooting of reason
Kenneth Maly
Response to Kenneth Maly
John Sallis
Contemporary ethics and Scheler's phenomenology of community
Edward Vacek
Philosophical hermeneutics and its meaning for philosophy
Carl Page
The instant and the living present
Vol. 37
Patrick Bourgeois
Levinas representing Husserl on representation
Vol. 39
Jeffrey Powell
Two aspects of Husserl's reduction
Vol. 4
Juliusz Bednarski
Language in lifeworld-phenomenology
Vol. 40/1
Ronald Bruzina(University of Kentucky)
Infinity and the relation
Philip J. Maloney
Transcendental ontologism and Derrida's reading of Husserl
Burt C. Hopkins(University of Lille)
The hither-side of the living-present in Levinas and Husserl
John Drabinski
The saturated phenomenon
Jean-Luc Marion
The philosopher and her shadow
Vol. 48/4-5
Sue L Cataldi
Phenomenological concept of intentionality
Vol. 6
Alphonse De Waelhens
The eidetic reduction
The impact of Christianity on capitalism
Vol. 64/3
Deborah Cook
Can existentialism be a posthumanism?
Christine Daigle
The inside story of Derrida's Of grammatology
Michael Naas
Fantasy, counter-fantasy, and meta-fantasy in Hobbes's and Butler's accounts of vulnerability
James Griffith
Good enough justice?
Benjamin Brewer
Martin HuthGerhard Thonhauser(TU Darmstadt)
Responsibility for vulnerability
Hannah Vögele
Those who gather in the Streets
Miri Rozmarin
The dialectics of vulnerability
Martin Huth
Poetry as spiritual exercise
Jean WahlRussell DuvernoyChristopher LuraAnna-Marie Hansen
"A distress that cannot be forgotten"
Joseph Wiinikka-Lydon
Ethical inclinations
Lucy Benjamin
Post-Marxist political ontology and the foreclosure of radical newness
Sarah Vitale
Grounding reasonableness in Rawls's reading of Hobbes
Karim Barakat
A discussion on Heidegger's "Über die Sixtina"
Steven Haug
Michiel Meijer, Charles Taylor's doctrine of strong evaluation: ethics and ontology in a scientific age
Paolo Costa
Commentary on Jean Wahl
Russell Duvernoy