Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Series | Bände
Continuity and discontinuity of the educational context
Vol. 1
Luca Tateo
The handcrafting activity of Goldsmiths and conceptual thinking
Elizabeth TunesIngrid Lilian Fuhr RaadRoberto Ribeiro da Silva
Parental involvement
Felicity WikeleyJoanna Apps
The dynamics of self–other relationships in educational contexts
Angela Uchoa Branco Maria Margaret Lopes
Negotiation in the school context
Demóstenes Neves da SilvaMarilena Ristum
Borders in education
Giuseppina Marsico Virgínia Dazzani Marilena Ristum
Boundaries between art and education
José Manuel Santos
School as work or work as school
Lia Lordelo
Virgínia Dazzani Giuseppina Marsico Marilena Ristum
School between work and family
Olivia Maria Costa SilveiraDelma Barros Filho
Editorial intermezzo
Marilena Ristum Virgínia Dazzani Giuseppina Marsico
Meanings of violence
Marilena Ristum
The formation of the subject in the family-school boundary during adolescence
Ramon Cerqueira Gomes Virgínia Dazzani
Beyond the micro–macro opposition
Emiliana Mangone
Boundaries within and between contexts
Harry Daniels
Conceptions of education and its influence on the Brazilian educational system
Marina Massimi
"becoming professionals"
Elsa de MattosAntonio Marcos Chaves
The development of logical tools through socially constructed and culturally based activities
Cristina CoppolaMonica MolloTiziana Pacelli
Everyday child care in daycare centers
Vania BustamanteCecilia McCallum
Culture and affect in the practice of English teaching as a second language
Gabriela Di Gesú
The potential of the globalization of education in Japan
Yasuhiro Omi
Parental proxy talk in Japanese parents how does a parent express oneself through a baby's voice?
Yoriko Omi-Okamoto
Biology | culture
Vol. 3
Wolff-Michael Roth Alfredo Jornet
Communicating | thinking
Intrasubjectivity | intersubjectivity
Primacy of the social and sociogenetic method
Learning | development
The social nature of reading
Intention—a product of joint social work
Culturing conceptions
Natural history of the sign
Genesis of the zone of proximal development
The thinking body
"The way to freedom" in/for education
Vygotsky, Spinoza, and cultural psychology of education