Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Series | Bände
Inventing an analog past and a digital future in computing
Ronald R. Kline
Calvin Mooers, zatocoding, and early research on information retrieval
Paul E. Ceruzzi
The evolution of digital computing practice on the Cambridge University Edsac, 1949–1951
Martin Campbell-Kelly
The media of programming
Mark PriestleyThomas Haigh
Foregrounding the background
William AsprayChristopher Loughnane
"The man with a micro-calculator"
Ksenia Tatarchenko
Forgotten machines
Doron Swade
Switching the engineer's mind-set to boolean
Maarten Bullynck
The eniac display
Tristan Thielmann
Introducing the early digital
Thomas Haigh