Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel


In and out of the house

housing hau in Sønderborg and Frederikssund

Kirsten Marie Raahauge

pp. 281-289


This article deals with houses and objects. Based on anthropological fieldwork on materiality in two well-off neighbourhoods in Denmark, the starting point are localisations of global flows in the privacy of houses. Filters and control showed out to be a major theme concerning the passages of things in and out of houses; these passages follow two rules: 'something in means something else out" and "what comes in must be activated". Openness and transparency showed out to be important themes concerning the house; there is a tendency towards large windows, few inner walls and large rooms, which are both poly-functional and poly-social. Furthermore, the filtering mechanisms for objects and the openness of the house are related to virtual flows from computers, telephones and televisions. Classical anthropological theories are used to understand this subject matter: the concept of haul (the spirit of the thing), exchange and social relations at large.

Publication details

Published in:

(2007) Knowledge, Technology & Policy 20 (4).

Seiten: 281-289

DOI: 10.1007/s12130-007-9034-4


Raahauge Kirsten Marie (2007) „In and out of the house: housing hau in Sønderborg and Frederikssund“. Knowledge, Technology & Policy 20 (4), 281–289.