Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch


Germans or foreigners?

attitudes toward ethnic minorities in post-reunification Germany

herausgegeben vonRichard AlbaPeter SchmidtMartina Wasmer


This book examines contemporary attitudes towards ethnic minorities in Germany. These minorities include some of immigrant origin, such as Italians, Turks, and asylum seekers, and the principal non-immigrant minority, Jews. While the findings demonstrate that intense prejudice against minorities is not widespread among Germans, many of whom in fact can be considered immigrant- and minority-friendly, a crystallization of attitudes is also evident: that is, attitudes towards immigrants are strongly correlated with anti-Semitism and with other worldview dimensions, such as positioning in the left-right political spectrum. In this sense, the fundamental question of whether immigrants and other minorities should be regarded as fellow citizens or ethnic outsiders remains relevant in the German context.

Details | Inhaltsverzeichnis

Ethnocentrism in Germany

worldview connections and social contexts

Michael Terwey

Foreigners as second-class citizens?

attitudes toward equal civil rights for non-Germans

Martina WasmerAchim Koch

The others and we

relationships between Germans and non-Germans from the point of view of foreigners living in Germany

Steffen KühnelJürgen Leibold

Social distance and physical proximity

day-to-day attitudes and experiences of foreigners and Germans living in the same residential areas

Ferdinand Böltken


Publication details

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Ort: Basingstoke

Year: 2003

Seiten: 308

Series: Europe In Transition

DOI: 10.1057/9780230608825

ISBN (hardback): 978-1-349-52770-0

ISBN (digital): 978-0-230-60882-5


Alba Richard, Schmidt Peter, Wasmer Martina (2003) Germans or foreigners?: attitudes toward ethnic minorities in post-reunification Germany. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.