Deutsche Gesellschaft
für phänomenologische Forschung

Series | Buch | Kapitel


Measuring contemporary prejudice toward immigrants in Germany

Richard AlbaMichelle Johnson

pp. 119-141


Prejudice evolves in its forms, and so must the instruments that measure it. This is demonstrated by the American record of research on racial attitudes, in which the repeated use of survey items has been a tool for following attitudinal shifts over long periods of time. In a model of this type of research, Schuman et al. (1997) are able to track responses to some survey questions over a five-decade period, identifying change and stability in white Americans' attitudes toward their black fellow citizens.

Publication details

Published in:

Alba Richard, Schmidt Peter, Wasmer Martina (2003) Germans or foreigners?: attitudes toward ethnic minorities in post-reunification Germany. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.

Seiten: 119-141

DOI: 10.1057/9780230608825_6


Alba Richard, Johnson Michelle (2003) „Measuring contemporary prejudice toward immigrants in Germany“, In: R. Alba, P. Schmidt & M. Wasmer (eds.), Germans or foreigners?, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 119–141.