Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Series | Bände
Medical knowledge as a social product
Vol. 10
Mark W. Wartofsky
The need to know
Gerald Weissmann
The life-world and the patient's expectations of new knowledge
Stuart Spicker
Tristram Engelhardt
Biomedical knowledge
Kenneth F. Schaffner
Applying morality to advances in biomedicine
Arthur Caplan
Only the best is good enough?
Richard Zaner
The uses of biomedical knowledge
Ross Kessel
Biomedicine, health care policy, and the adequacy of ethical theory
Laurence McCullough
Scientific advance, technological development, and society
William B. Bondeson
The physician as moral arbiter
Samuel Gorovitz
Moral issues relating to the economics of new knowledge in the biomedical sciences
Nicholas Rescher
Health, justice, and responsibility
Mary Rawlinson
Morality and the social control of biomedical technology
Tom L. Beauchamp
The physician as a moral force in American history
John Duffy
Why new technology is more problematic than old technology
Rights and responsibilities in medical science
Bernard Towers
A skeptical reassessment of bioethics
Vol. 100
Why clinical bioethics so rarely gives morally normative guidance
Bioethics and professional medical ethics
Bioethics as political ideology
Mark J Cherry
Beginning bioethics
Michael S. Yesley
The 's' in bioethics
Ana S. Iltis Adrienne Carpenter
Genesis of a totalizing ideology
Griffin Trotter
Two rival understandings of autonomy, paternalism, and bioethical principlism
Aaron E. Hinkley
On the social construction of health care ethics consultation
Jeffrey P. Bishop
Science, medicine, and rationality
Vol. 113
Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh
The patient
The physician
The doubter
Clinical practice
Classical sets
The architecture of medical knowledge
Classical logic
Types of medical knowledge
Modal extensions of classical logic
The semantics and pragmatics of medical knowledge
Non-classical logics
Probability logic
Morality, ethics, and deontics
Fuzzy logic
Disease as a deontic construct
Medicine is a deontic discipline
Logic in medicine
The logic of medicine
The epistemic impact of medical language
On what there are
The syntax and semantics of medical language
Medical ontology
The pragmatics of medical language
On medical truth
Varieties of medical concepts
On the nature of medicine
Fundamentals of medical concept formation
Medicine's crises
Vol. 114
James A Marcum
Virtue theory, ethics, and epistemology
Virtues and vices
On caring and uncaring
On prudent love and imprudent lovelessness
Medical stories
The virtuous physician and medicine's crises
H. Tristram Engelhardt, jr.—a personal reflection
Vol. 125
John C. Moskop
The foundations of secular bioethics
Stephen Wear
Post-apocalyptic tris
Eric T. Juengst
A critical appraisal of Engelhardt on the "enlightenment project"
Two-score years ago
Equality is problematic
Ruiping Fan
Bioethics after the death of God – reflections on an Engelhardtian theme
The ethical conduct of research
Ana S. Iltis
A transcendental argument for agreement as the sole sufficient basis of a philosophical ethic
George Khushf
Diversity in clinical ethics
George J. Agich
The Engelhardt experience
A recollection with appreciation
Sanctity of life
Kevin Wildes
Moral strangers, proceduralism, and moral consensus
Fabrice Jotterand
H. Tristram Engelhardt, jr.
Disease, bioethics, and philosophy of medicine
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter
Cracks in the foundations of Engelhardt's bioethics
Jeremy R. Garrett
Ode to Tris
Apprenticing with H. Tristram Engelhardt, jr.
Recognizing the difference that faith makes
Jennifer A. Bulcock
Philosophical reflections in the nineteenth century medicolegal discussion
Vol. 4
Corinna Delkeskamp
Body, mind, and conditions of novelty
The psychiatrist as philosopher
Chairman's remarks
How much neurosis should we bear?
Alan Donagan
A metabletic-philosophical evaluation of mental health
Jan Hendrik van den Berg
Bibliography of the works of Erwin W. Straus
Closing reflections
Tristram EngelhardtStuart Spicker
Szasz on mental illness
Baruch Brody
Models and mental illness
D. L. Creson
Synchronism and therapy
Disease viewed as a symbolic category
Horacio Fabrega
American medico-legal traditions and concepts of mental health
Chester R. Burns
Health and disease
Ruth Macklin
Leonard C. Feldstein
Motivational disturbances and free will
Irving Thalberg
Towards an understanding of motivational disturbance and freedom of action
Caroline Whitbeck
The concept of mental illness
Thomas S. Szasz
Environments of the mind
Robert Neville
Psychic health, mental clarity, self-knowledge and other virtues
Stephen Toulmin
Why aren't more doctors phenomenologists?
Vol. 43
Richard J. Baron
Parted bodies, departed souls
Foucault's political body in medical praxis
Carole Spitzack
A confucian perspective on embodiment
Tu Wei-Ming
Eating disorders
Susan Bordo
The body with aids
Julien Murphy
On the body in medical self-care and holistic medicine
Anthony Weston
Obesity, objectification, and identity
Donald Moss
Psychosomatics, the lived body, and anthropological medicine
Georg Northoff Michael Alan SchwartzMichael A. Schwartz Osborne P Wiggins
The body of the future
Eric J. Cassell
Drew Leder
Breasted experience
Iris Marion Young
A tale of two bodies
Whatever happened to research ethics?
Vol. 50
An anthropological bioethics
Gerald P. Mckenny
"We be of one blood, you and I"
Grant Gillett
Bioethics in social context
Larry R. Churchill
The week of november seventh
Judith Andre
Medicine's challenge to relativism
Loretta Kopelman
Medical ethics as reflective practice
Ronald A. Carson
From principles to reflective practice or narrative ethics?
Anne Hudson Jones
Hedgehogs and hermaphrodites
Carl Elliott
Must patients suffer?
Courtney S. Campbell
Doctors and their suffering patients
David Barnard
At the intersection of medicine, law, economics, and ethics
E. Haavi Morreim
The primacy of practice
Humanities in the service of medicine
K. Danner Clouser
What's happening in reserach ethics?
Harold Y. Vanderpool
Bioethics as an interdisciplinary enterprise
Edmund D. Pellegrino
Intellectual cross-dressing
William J. Winslade
Bioethics and the philosophy of medicine reconsidered
Praxis as a keystone for the philosophy and professional ethics of medicine
The philosophy of medicine and bioethics
What can the epistemologists learn from the endocrinologists? or is the philosophy of medicine based on a mistake?
The sale of organs and obligations to one's body
Vol. 60
Thomas J. Bole
The integrity of the body
Persons and their bodies
Inalienable rights in the moral and political philosophy of John Locke
Body and soul in greek philosophy
R. J. Hankinson
A millian perspective on the relationship between persons and their bodies
Wendy Donner
Personal responsibility and freedom in health care
Joseph Boyle
An orthodox Christian view of persons and bodies
Allyne L. Smith
The impact of biomedical developments on the legal theory of the mind-body relationship
Christian Byk
Whose body? what body? the metaphysics of organ transplantation
The alienability of lockean natural rights
Eric Mack
The body for fun, beneficence, and profit
The integrity of body
Thomas M. Powers
Despair, desire, and decision
Donna C. Kline
The commercialization of human body parts
Stephen Wear Jack FreerBogda Koczwara
Experiencing illness through storytelling
Vol. 68
Arthur W. Frank
The phenomenology of health and illness
Fredrik Svenaeus
The lifeworld and scientific interpretation
Patrick A Heelan
Per Sundström
On bodily autonomy
Catriona MacKenzie
The lived experience of pain in the context of clinical practice
Irena Madjar
Professional practice and "doing phenomenology"
Max Van Manen(University of Alberta)
The lived experience of mental illness
Jo Ann Walton
Emotion and embodiment within the medical world
Glen Mazis(Penn State Hrrisburg)
The many faces of the clinic
Paul Komesaroff
The body, music, and healing
Bruce Wilshire
Female embodiment and clinical practice
Maureen Connolly
Focusing on lived experience
Ian R. McWhinney
Temporality and illness
John Brough(Department of Theology, Gettysburg College)
The phenomenon of care
Patricia Benner
Medicine and the phenomenological method
Frances Chaput Waksler
The phenomenon of suffering and its relationship to pain
Imagining a fetus
Mark J. Bliton
Medical feeding
Michael C. Brannigan
Dimensions of embodiment
Shaun Gallagher(Department of Philosophy, University of California Berkeley)
From dis-ability to difference
Christina Papadimitriou
Thinking about medicine
The concept of mental health
Vol. 72
Armando Roa
Empirical and philosophical aspects of a definition of health and disease
Manuel Lavados
Positive and negative aspects of the who definition of health, and their implications for a new concept of health in the future
Piet Van Spijk
Health, disease, and persons
Kateryna FedorykaPaulina Taboada
The good of health
Patricia Donohue-WhiteKateryna Fedoryka
The challenge of government in the constructing of health care policy
Rocco ButtiglioneManuela Pasquini
What is human health?
Josef Seifert
The general systems theory
Paulina Taboada
Josef SeifertPaulina Taboada
According to Plato, the evils of the body cannot be cured without also curing the evils of the soul
Giovanni Reale
Pascal Ide
Origins of bioethics and normative ethics
Vol. 99
Principlism and the future of bioethics
Emotionally detached concern or empathic care
Patient-physician relationships
Medical worldviews
Medical causation and realism
Patient as body or person
Disease or illness and health or wellbeing
Diagnosis and therapeutics
Medical thinking
Clinical judging and decision making
Medical explanations
Diagnostic knowledge
Therapeutic knowledge
Medical axiology and values
Keeping balance in the face of death
Vol. 997
On the telling of stories
Richard Zaner and "standard" medical ethics
Stephen Hanson
The philosopher as ethicist, the ethicist as storyteller
Bioethics without analogy
Robert Hunt Sprinkle
Zaner's generative spirit
John R. Scudder Anne H Bishop
Richard Zaner on transcendentality, eidos and phantasy
Ronald Cox
Integrity and the moral gestalt
Denise M. Dudzinski
Between and beyond
Hillel Braude
The ecstatic witness
Rita Charon
A story teller's story
Paul J. Ford
Osborne P WigginsAnnette C. Allen
Fardels of the heart
The limits of biomedical ethics and the specific role of phenomenology in biomedical ethics
Thomas Nenon(University of Memphis)
Phenomenological nursing in Schutzian perspective
Lester Embree