Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Series | Bände
From circumspection to insight
Eddo Evink(Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
The ethico-political turn of phenomenology
Matthias FlatscherSergej Seitz
Phenomenal conservatism and the principle of all principles
Vol. 2
Walter Hopp(Boston University)
Hearing, seeing, and music in the middle
Dan Lloyd
Defending a Heideggerian account of mood
Lauren Freeman
Eyes wide shut: Sartre's phenomenology of dreaming
Nicolas de Warren(Penn State University)
The significance of boredom: a Sartrean reading
Andreas Elpidorou
Dan Zahavi(Center for Subjectivity Research, Københavns Universitet)Uriah Kriegel
Bringing philosophy back
Mark Rowlands
Lived body, intercorporeality, intersubjectivity
Dermot Moran(University College Dublin)
The minds of others
Shaun Gallagher(Department of Philosophy, University of California Berkeley)
Cognitive phenomenology
David Woodruff Smith
Prospects for a naturalized phenomenology
Jeffrey Yoshimi
The body and its image in the clinical encounter
Dorothée Legrand
Merleau-Ponty: actions, habits, and skilled expertise
Komarine Romdenh-Romluc(Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick)
Introception and self-awareness
Daniel Dahlstrom
Knowing one's own desires
Jonathan Webber
Collectivizing persons and personifying collectives
Vol. 3
Thomas Szanto(University of Copenhagen, Center for Subjectivity Research)
Hannah Arendt's conception of actualized plurality
Sophie Loidolt(TU Darmstadt)