Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Series | Bände
Husserl on reason and justification in ethics
Vol. 11
Gary E Overvold
Absolute positivity and ultrapositivity
Vol. 15
Richard Cohen
Crisis and life-world in Husserl and Habermas
Vol. 16
Kenneth Baynes
Husserl's concept of the world
Rudolf Bernet(Husserl-Archief, KU Leuven)
Husserl's complex concept of the self and the possibility of social criticism
Charles Harvey
The myth of absolute consciousness
J Claude Evans
A critique of Husserl's notion of crisis
Philip Buckley(Phenomenology and Hermeneutics Special Interest Group, McGill University)
The finitude of the world
Vol. 17
Klaus Held
The role of life-world in Husserl's critique of idealizations
Vol. 19
Dieter Lohmar
Presence and absence in Husserl's phenomenology of time-consciousness
John Brough(Department of Theology, Gettysburg College)
"We", representation and war-resistance
James G Hart(Department of Germanic Studies, James Madison University)
Homeworld/Alien world
Anthony Steinbock(Southern Illinois University)
Constituting the transcendent community
H. Peter Steeves
Reflection on the ego
Vol. 4
Lester Embree
Reflections on evidence and criticism in the theory of consciousness
Richard Zaner
Variations on the real world
William Earle
Husserlian essences reconsidered
David Michael Levin
Anger and inter-personal communication
George A. Schrader
The self-conciousness in self-activity
Robert V. Stone
Phenomenology and social science
Fred Dallmayr
Towards a phenomenology of self-evidence
J. N. Mohanty
A phenomenology of emotions
Eugene T Gendlin
David Carr(Emory University)Edward Casey
The anatomy of anger
Albert Rothenberg
Logic and mathematics in Husserl's "Formal and transcendental logic"
Robert Sokolowski
Existence and consciousness
Charles E Scott
Cinema space
Alexander Sesonske
Edmund Husserl and the reform of logic
Gian-Carlo Rota
Logic and mathematics in Husserl's formal and transcendental logic
Interpretation and the sciences of man
Charles Taylor
Change and permanence
Hans Jonas
On the phenomenological foundations of mathematics
Robert S. Tragesser
Human sciences and hermeneutical method
Paul Ricoeur
Reflection on planned operations
Vol. 5
The copula supplement
Jacques Derrida
Don IhdeRichard Zaner
History, phenomenology and reflection
David Carr(Emory University)
Grammar and metaphysics
Newton Garver
The significance of Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of language
James M. Edie
Thought, language and philosophy
Peter Caws
Desire, need, and alienation in Sartre
John Scanlon
The Critique of pure reason as transcendental phenomenology
Henry Allison
Beyond the doubt of a shadow
Samuel Todes Charles Daniels
The critique of pure reason as transcendental phenomenology
Shadows in knowledge
Samuel Todes
Some perplexities in Nietzsche
Peter Fuss
The look, the body and the other
Wilfried Vet Eecke
Hermeneutics of experimental science in the context of the life-world
Vol. 6
Patrick A Heelan
Ethnomethodology as a phenomenological approach in the social sciences
George Psathas
Husserl and the mind-brain relation
Tristram Engelhardt
Consciousness, praxis, and reality
Mark W. Wartofsky
Mind and institution
John O'Neill
Objectivity in logic
Robert G. Wolf
Alfred Schutz symposium
Maurice Natanson
Meaning and freedom in the Marxist conception of the economic
Joseph Bien
Husserl and his influence on me
Alfred Schütz
Structuralism revisited
Vol. 7
David B. Allison
Issues in phenomenology and critical theory
David Rasmussen
Ronald Bruzina(University of Kentucky)Bruce Wilshire
Renovating the problem of politics
Bernard Dauenhauer
Action, interaction and reflection in the ontology of Ortega y Gasset
Angel Medina
Remarks on Wilfrid Sellars' paper on perceptual consciousness
The phenomenology of guilt and the theology of forgiveness
Merold Westphal
The image/sign relation in Husserl and Freud
Edward Casey
The phenomenological approach to poetry
Mikel Dufrenne
"Hermeneutics," "death of god" and "dissolution of the subject"
Matthieu Casalis
Psychopathology and human evil
Edward Farley
Authentic time
Alphonso Lingis
Some reflections on perceptual consciousness
Wilfrid Sellars
Ronald Bruzina(University of Kentucky)
Life, death and self-deception
Bruce Wilshire
Phenomenological evidence and the "idea" of physics
Vol. 8
Francis J. Zucker
Kant and phenomenology
Vol. 9
Personalities of a higher order
Does the transcendental ego speak in tongues?