Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Zeitschrift | Bände
2036-4091 (online)
Vol. 1/1-2
Rosa M. Calcaterra Roberto Frega Giovanni Maddalena
Pragmatism and political pluralism
Michele Marsonet
Charles Peirce's first visit to Europe, 1870-71
Jaime Nubiola Sara Barrena
Von Wright's philosophical humanism
Rosaria Egidi
Peirce and latin american "razonabilidad"
Fernando Zalamea (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Transcendentalism and the ordinary
Sandra Laugier
Colin Koopman, pragmatism as transition
Roberto Frega
Constructing a person
Joseph Margolis
Nietzsche and James
Rossella Fabbrichesi
A revised portrait of human agency
Vincent Colapietro
Why american philosophy? why now?
Larry A. Hickman
Lotze and the classical pragmatists
Christopher Hookway
Introduction to pragmatism and idealism
Vol. 10/2
Paul Giladi Aaron B. Wilson
Joëlle Zask, La démocratie aux champs
Céline Henne
Krzysztof Piotr Skowronski (ed.), John Lachs's practical philosophy
Glenn Tiller
Peirce's hypothesis of the final opinion
Aaron B. Wilson
Eco, Peirce, and the pragmatic theory of signs
Vol. 10/1
Randall E Auxier
From idealism to pragmatism
Willem A. deVries
The lost trail of Dewey
Robert Innis
Reclaiming the power of thought
Jörg Volbers
Conceptualistic pragmatism
Terry Pinkard
Cognition as a transformative process
Vera SallerDonata Schoeller
Three pragmatist legacies in the thought of Umberto Eco
Claudio Paolucci
Daniel J. Brunson
Peirce on musement
Elizabeth F. Cooke
Eco and Peirce on abduction
Francesco Bellucci
Hegel and the ethics of Brandom's metaphysics
Jonathan Lewis
Rosa M. Calcaterra, Filosofia della contingenza. Le sfide di Richard Rorty
Francisco Javier Ruiz Moscardó
Duck or rabbit? Umberto Eco's structural pragmatics
Valentina Pisanty
Actuality and intelligibility
Peter Olen & Carl Sachs (eds), Pragmatism in transition
Sarin Marchetti
George Herbert Mead, Mind self & society. the definitive edition
Guido Baggio
Pragmatic/pragmatist mind
Martin Švanter
Semiotics and the something
Who's, what's, i don't know
Lucio Privitello
Peter Olen, Wilfrid Sellars and the foundations of normativity
Gabriele Aleandri
Joseph Margolis, Three paradoxes of personhood
Matthias Kramm
Cavell's "moral perfectionism" or Emerson's "moral sentiment"?
Vol. 2/2
Joseph Urbas
Free spirits
Sophie Djigo
Emersonian moral perfectionism
Heikki A. Kovalainen
Gemma Corradi Fiumara, Spontaneity. a psychoanalytic inquiry
From fancy amoeba to fallible self
Vol. 2/1
Robert Main
Internal relations and the possibility of evil
Martin Shuster
The social self of Whitehead's organic philosophy
Olav Bryant Smith
Perfectionism and moral reasoning
Matteo Falomi
Disagreement as duty
Jeroen Gerrits
The practice of the circle
Andrea Punzi
What is and what should pragmatic ethics be?
Juan Pablo Serra
Epistemology of the self in a pragmatic mood
Rosa M. Calcaterra
William James's pragmatism
Heidi White
Man as the measure of all things
Jeremy Millington
Anthony J. Graybosch
The difficulty of moral perfectionism
Stefano Di Brisco
A pragmatist and feminist relational (e)pistemology
Barbara Thayer-Bacon
Autonomy here and now
Nadav Arviv
Stylists in the american grain
Aine Kelly
Wojcieh Malecki, Embodying pragmatism. Richard shusterman's philosophy and literary theory
Kalle Puolakka
Nordic pragmatism
Sami Pihlström
Pragmatism, transcendentalism, and perfectionism
Piergiorgio Donatelli Roberto Frega Sandra Laugier
William James on truth and invention in morality
Emerson and skepticism
Russell B. Goodman
The differences that make a difference
Susan Haack
The body of the community
Sergio Franzese reader of James
Must we do what we say?
Daniele Lorenzini
On the rationality of will in James and Husserl
Susi Ferrarello
Sami Pihlström & Henrik Rydenfelt "Pragmatist perspectives"
Roberto Gronda
Wittgenstein, the criticism of philosophy, and self-knowledge
Tarek R. Dika
Between political inquiry and democratic faith
Vol. 3/2
James Johnson
Richard Bernstein, Filosofía y democracia
Vol. 3/1
Núria Sara Miras Boronat
Neo-pragmatim and phenomenology
Patrick Baert
James's epistemology and the will to believe
Can patients and psychiatrists be friends?
David H. Brendel
Objective truth and the practice relativity of justification in the pragmatic turn
James R. O’Shea James R. O'Shea (University College Dublin)
A pragmatic party
Ramón del Castillo
Dewey, economic democracy, and the mondragon cooperatives
Kenneth W. Stikkers
Continuing the conversation
Richard Bernstein
Through the eyes of mad men
Mitchell Aboulafia
The reception of William James in continental Europe
Jaime Nubiola
Beyond physicalism and dualism?
David Ludwig
Logic, ethics and aesthetics
Vitaly Kiryushchenko
Towards a social externalism
Louis Quéré
Legal judgment as a philosophical archetype
Giovanni Tuzet
The sign of the four
Giovanni Maddalena Giovanni Tuzet
Pragmatism and the social sciences
Roberto Frega Filipe Carreira da Silva
Rosa M. Calcaterra (ed.) new perspectives on pragmatism and analytic philosophy
Anna Boncompagni
Vincenzo Costa, Fenomenologia dell'intersoggettività
Giovanni Maddalena
Richard Bernstein and the challenges of a broadened pragmatism
Filipe Carreira da Silva, Mead and modernity
Anna M. Nieddu
J. Shook and J. Good (eds.), John Dewey's philosophy of spirit, with the 1897 lecture on Hegel
American social science
Peter Manicas
Naturalism and metaphors
Richard J. Bernstein on ethics and philosophy between the linguistic and the pragmatic turn
George Herbert Mead, The philosophy of education
Filipe Carreira da Silva
Pragmatic e-pistols
Eugene Halton
Edmundo Balsemão Pires
Pragmatism, law, and morality
Communication and consciousness in the pragmatist critique of representation
Peirce's post-jamesian pragmatism
Nathan Houser
Piecing together a genealogical puzzle
Patricia Hill Collins
From consistency to coherence
Dennis Soelch
Of president Barack H. Obama and others
Bill E. Lawson
James and Whitehead
Paul Stenner
Naturalistic values and progressive politics
Vol. 4/1
Christoph Henning
Pragmatism as a communication-theoretical tradition
Mats Bergman
Does pragmatism have a theory of power?
Joel Wolfe
Who's calling Wittgenstein a pragmatist?
Vol. 4/2
Judy M. Hensley
Pragmatism and international relations
Molly Cochran
A new analytic/synthetic/horotic paradigm
Giovanni Maddalena Fernando Zalamea (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Streams and river-beds
Anna Bocompagni
Darwinized Hegelianism or hegelianized Darwinism?
Mathias Girel
Between science and fiction
Seth Vannatta
Reviewing pragmatist aesthetics
Richard Shusterman
Training, training, training
Michael Luntley
Three dimensions of the sociality of action
Frithjof Nungesser
Experiencing practical knowledge
Tanja Bogusz
Group morality and forms of life
Rick Davis
Critical pragmatist and the reconnection of science and values in educational research
Walter Feinberg
Pragmatist aesthetics, twenty years later
Roberta Dreon
Wittgenstein, Dewey, and the practical foundation of knowledge
Having social practices in mind
Francesco Callegaro
Wittgenstein, Ramsey and british pragmatism
Mathieu Marion
Enjoying the doubtful on transformative suspensions in pragmatist aesthetics
Heidi Salaverría
A pragmatist conception of certainty
Guy Bennett-Hunter
A new look at Wittgenstein and pragmatism
McDowell's unexpected philosophical ally
Santiago Rey
Remarks on Richard Shusterman's pragmatist aesthetics
Krystyna Wilkoszewska
Margolis on realism and idealism
A philosophical bestiary
John Dewey, Unmodern philosophy and modern philosophy
Kevin S. Decker
Pragmatism, ethics and democracy
Maria Luisi
Nature and thought
M. Buschemeir, E. Hammer, Pragmatismus und Hermeneutik
Till Kinzel
American pragmatism and European social theory
Frederic Kellogg
Does Rorty's pragmatism undermine itself?
James Tartaglia
Roberto Frega, Practice, judgment, and the challenge of moral and political disagreement
Fernando Savater, Acerca de santayana
Ángel Manuel Faerna
Alfred North Withehead, Processo e realidade. Ensaio de cosmologia
Elisabete M. de Sousa
Introduction to the symposium "Wittgenstein and pragmatism: a reassessment"
Christiane Chauviré Sabine Plaud
Experience and nature
Christiane Chauviré
Peirce and iconology
Tullio Viola
Mitchell Aboulafia, Transcendence. On self-determination and cosmopolitanism
William James, A pluralistic universe
Michela Bella
The social scientist, the public, and the pragmatist gaze
Philippe Gonzalez Laurence Kaufmann
Henri Bergson, Sur le pragmatisme de William James
Joseph margolis' pragmatism between narrative and prophecy
José Medina, The epistemology of resistance
Vol. 5/1
Time as experience/experience as temporality
John J. Kaag, Idealism, pragmatism, and feminism
Vol. 5/2
Mathew A. Foust
The nature of the modern mind
Pierre Steiner
Donald Morse, Faith in life. John Dewey's early philosophy
Hollstein B., Jung M., Knöbl W., (hg.), Handlung und Erfahrung
Andreas Hetzel
Reply to Margolis, Madelrieux and Levine
Cheryl Misak
Symposium on Dewey's unmodern philosophy and modern philosophy
From mythology to logic
From doubt to its social articulation
Reason and imagination in Charles S. Peirce
Sara Barrena
Justification, pluralism and pragmatism
Matt Sleat
Was art as experience socially effective?
The role of imagination in James's and Dewey's understanding of religious experience
Romain Mollard
Christopher Hookway, The pragmatic maxim
Gabriele Gava
Dogmatism, learning and scientific pratices
Marco Marletta
The creative moment of scientific apprehension
Mark Dietrich Tschaepe
Plasticity and creativity in the logic notebook
The philosopher as a child of his own time
Javier Toro
John Dewey's critique of our "unmodern" philosophy
The social dimension of legal uncertainty
How novelty arises from fields of experience
Maria Regina Brioschi
Tibor Solymosi(Department of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Sheffield)John Shook
Political skepticism and anarchist themes in the american tradition
Andrew Fiala
Pragmatist historiography in unmodern philosophy and modern philosophy
Phillip Deen
Does James have a place for objectivity?
Steven Levine
Neopragmatism viewed by pragmaticism
Ivo Assad Ibri
Some remarks on Cheryl Misak's The American pragmatists
Davidsonian naturalism and "a-ontological" philosophy of mind
John Fennell
Chicago pragmatism and the extended mind theory
Roman Madzia
Interfamilial issues
Stéphane Madelrieux
On instruments and aesthetics
Steven A. Miller
John Lachs, Stoic pragmatism
Matthew Caleb Flamm
The pragmatist skepsis as a social practice
Olivier Tinland
James M. Albrecht, reconstructing individualism
Alan Reynolds
Giancarlo Marchetti, La contingenza dei fatti e l'ogggettività dei valori
Vol. 6/2
Matteo Santarelli
British champions of Peirce
Vol. 6/1
Nicolas Rescher, Pragmatism
The reception of Charles s. Peirce in denmark
Bent Sørensen Torkild Thellefsen
David L. Hildebrand
Reception of Charles s. Peirce in Sweden and its diaspora
Thora Margareta Bertilsson
Gabriele Gava, Peirce's account of purposefulness
Language and experience for pragmatism
The history of reception of Charles S. Peirce in greece
Christos A. Pechlivanidis
Peirce's reception in Japan
Shigeyuki Atarashi
Conduct pragmatism
Colin Koopman
Linguistic pragmatism and cultural naturalism
Thomas M. Alexander
Peirce's reception in Australia and New Zealand
Catherine Legg
Peirce's reception in France
The reception of Peirce in Spain and the spanish speaking countries
Sara Barrena Jaime Nubiola
Normativity and reality in Peirce's thought
Serge Grigoriev
Isaac Levi, pragmatism and inquiry
The three waves of italian reception of Peirce
Dewey on language
Popular science, pragmatism, and conceptual clarity
Oliver Belas
Martin Hartmann, Jasper Liptow, Marcus Willaschek (eds.), Die Gegenwart des Pragmatismus
Language or experience? – that's not the question
Peirce's reception in Colombia
Radical pragmatism
John Capps
John Ryder, the things on heaven and earth
Alicia García Ruiz
What difference can "experience" make to pragmatism?
Gregory Pappas
Charles Peirce and Cuba
Rosa Maria Mayorga
Richard Rorty contra Rorty and John Dewey
Interview with Richard J. Bernstein
Roberto Frega Giovanni Maddalena Richard Bernstein
Peirce studies in China in the 21th century
Yi Jiang (Shanxi University)Binmin Zhong
Reception of Peirce in Poland
Agnieszka Hensoldt
Interview with Joseph Margolis
The origin and growth of Peirce's ethics
Rachel Herdy
Peirce in Germany
Sascha Freyberg
Avoiding broken noses
Adrian Sackson
The first steps of Peirce in bulgaria
Ivan Mladenov
Peirce in Finland
Henrik Rydenfelt
Experiencing language
Mark Johnson
Peirce's reception in Brazil
Lucia Santaella
Trygve Throntveit, William James and the quest for an ethical republic
Vol. 7/2
Interview with Charlene Haddock Seigfried
Michela Bella Matteo Santarelli
Ethics, knowledge, and rule-following
Vol. 7/1
Nietzsche, Dewey, and the artistic creation of truth
Jim Garrison
Interview with Larry A. Hickman
Michela Bella Matteo Santarelli Larry A. Hickman
What does China mean for pragmatism?
Categorical ways of acting
A critique of Rorty's conception of pragmatism
Paul Giladi
James Scott Johnston, John Dewey's earlier logical theory
Tanja Bogusz Roberto Frega Albert Ogien
Chance and regularities
The problem of expertise
Stefan Beck
Pragmatism's legacy to sociology respecified
Albert Ogien
Lectures in social and political philosophy
John Dewey
Staging the truth
Roberto Brigati
Civility and democracy
Carole Gayet-Viaud
From pragmatism to today's work dramas
Alexandra Bidet Frédérique Chave
From a pragmatist's point of view
Ernest G. Rigney Timothy C. Lundy
The universal meanings of common discourse
Ana Honnacker, Post-säkularer Liberalismus
Thomas Alexander, The human eros
Connor Morris
The normative structure of the ordinary
Normativity and objectivity
Morris Grossman, Art and morality
Glen Tiller
Appropriating Dewey
Yung-Chen Chiang
Oliver Wendell Holmes jr. and the darwinian common law paradigm
Allen Mendenhall
The realist challenge to conceptual pragmatism
Peter Olen
Roberto Frega Roberto Gronda
Elisa Fraenfelder, Maura Striano, Stefano Oliverio (eds.), Il pensiero di John Dewey tra psicologia, filosofia, pedagogia. prospettive interdisciplinari
John Dewey's social philosophy
Interview with Hilary Putnam
Michela Bella Anna Boncompagni Hilary Putnam
Moral particularism and the role of imaginary cases
Vol. 8/1
Nate Jackson
Logical theatrics, or floes on flows
Vol. 8/2
Joshua M. Hall
Daniel Moreno, Santayana the philosopher. philosophy as a form of life
Nóra Horváth
What is happening to the Peirce project?
Michelle Bella Giovanni Maddalena André De Tienne
William Curtis, Defending rorty
Wojciech Małecki
The historicity of Peirce's classification of the sciences
Chiara Ambrosio
What's the problem with Dewey?
"I have to confess i cannot read history so,"
Alessandro Topa
Gestures in the making
Grasping the gesture
Carlin Romano, America the philosophical
George Herbert Mead and the unity of the self
The anticipated past in historical inquiry
Stefan Niklas
Democracy and education and Europe
Stefano Oliverio Maura Striano Leonard J. Waks
History and social progress
Daniel R. Huebner
Dewey's ancestry, Dewey's legacy, and the aims of education in democracy and education
Avi I. Mintz
Development and difference
Andrew Abbott
Exploring European education policy through the lens of dewey's democracy and education
Andreas Nordin Ninni Wahlström
Dewey, Mead, John Ford, and the writing of history
Veronica Tozzi
Toward truthlikeness in historiography
Oliver Laas
Anti-Kantianism, an anti-pragmatist gesture
Educational occupations and classroom technology
The need for quinean pragmatism in the theory of history
Jonathan Gorman
Historical and philosophical stances
David L. Marshall
Massimo Bonfantini, Rossella Fabbrichesi, Salvatore Zingale (a cura di), Su Peirce
Claudia Cristalli
The many lives of John Dewey's democracy and education
Samuel Renier
Ulf Zackariasson (ed.), Action, belief and inquiry
On scientific method in the study of art
Allan Marquand
John Dewey's legacy and spanish pedagogy
Bianca Thoilliez
Genesis and Geltung
Tullio Viola Hans Joas
Pragmatism and the writing of history
Roberto Gronda Tullio Viola
Complete gesture &…
Enrico Guglielminetti
Gestures historical and incomplete, critical yet friendly
Histoires pragmatiques
The influence of Dewey's and Mead's functional psychology upon Veblen's evolutionary economics
A supplement instead of a completion
Francis Chateauraynaud & Yves Cohen (eds.), Histoires pragmatiques
Bruno Settis
Robert Schwartz, rethinking pragmatism
The historical past and the dramatic present
Josiah Royce influenced Charles Peirce
David E. Pfeifer
Ramón del Castillo, Ángel Faerna, & Larry Hickman (eds.), Confines of democracy. essays on the philosophy of richard j. bernstein
Vol. 9/2
Anti-psychologism and neutrality
Vol. 9/1
Roberta Lanfredini
Hans Joas & Daniel Huebner (eds.), The timeliness of george herbert mead
Psychologism and the self
Vincente Sanfelix Vidarte
Introduction to pragmatism and psychologism
Rosa M. Calcaterra Roberta Dreon
"Was Peirce a genuine anti-psychologist in logic?"
Claudine Tiercelin
Habit beyond psychology
Aleksandar Feodorov
Jung and Peirce
Dewey, second nature, social criticism, and the Hegelian heritage
Italo Testa
Rosa Calcaterra, Giovanni Maddalena & Giancarlo Marchetti (eds.), Il pragmatismo
Francesca Bordogna
Richard Shusterman (with Yann Toma), The adventures of the man in gold / Les aventures de l'homme en or
Stefano Marino
Introduction to pragmatism and common-sense
Gabriele Gava Roberto Gronda
Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński, Values, valuations, and axiological norms in richard rorty's neopragmatism
Steven B. Schoonover
Peirce on intuition, instinct, & common sense
Kenneth Boyd Diana Heney
Attitudes of knowledge and common sense
Claude Gautier
Judgment and practice in Reid and Wittgenstein
Patrick Rysiew
Common sense without a common language?
A permissivist ethics of belief
Angélique Thébert
Critical reflection and common-sense beliefs
Francesco Poggiani
Experimental psychology and the practice of logic
Knowledge as potential for action
Stephen Hetherington
Monism and meliorism
Nicholas L. Guardiano
On the pragmatic content of science and common sense
Roberto Gronda Giacomo Turbanti
Consequences of Rorty's pragmatism in science
Nalliely Hernández
Sen and Mead on identity, agency, and economic behavior
Security as completeness
Leszek Koczanowicz, Politics of dialogue