Deutsche Gesellschaftfür phänomenologische Forschung
Repository | Serials | Series | Bände
Palgrave Macmillan
Life and works
Nicolas Baverez
Montesquieu and Aron on democracy's virtues and corruption
Miguel Morgado
Raymond Aron on war and strategy
Jean-Vincent Holeindre
Raymond Aron and Alexis de Tocqueville
Aurelian Craiutu
Christian Bachelier
In the "era of tyrannies"
Matthias Oppermann
David McIlwain
Aron and the Cold War
Carlos Gaspar
Political moderation and practical conservatism
Fin de siècle
Liberal education and classical republicanism
Forward to the past
Bryan-Paul Frost
Historical interpretation and philosophical intention
"citizen Clausewitz"
Joël Mouric
The philosophical intention and legacy of Hobbes
The question of political regime and the problems of democracy
Giulio De Ligio
Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojève on tyranny and theory
The totalitarian negation of man
Daniel J. Mahoney
Michael Oakeshott and Alexandre Kojève on play and practice
A Machiavellian conception of democracy?
Serge Audier
Leo Strauss and socratism after Nietzsche and Heidegger
Revisiting Aron's the class struggle
Serge Paugam
Michael Oakeshott and augustinianism after Hobbes and Hegel
The origins of the "end of ideology?" Raymond Aron and industrial civilization
Iain Stewart
Raymond Aron and Immanuel Kant
Pierre Hassner
Statesmanship and ethics
Scott NelsonJosé Colen
Raymond Aron and the notion of history
Perrine Simon-Nahum
Aron and Marxism
Sylvie Mesure
Elisabeth Dutartre-MichautJosé Colen
"Moderate Machiavellianism"
Diogo Pires Aurélio